On 06/07/2014 09:08 PM, Matthew Caron wrote:
> 2.) Actual hardware/uptime/connectivity problems - I know from personal
> experience (having built a few) that building high availability systems
> in a single location is vastly easier than distributed amongst several
> locations. Pulling in multiple network feeds and using a router that
> supports connection failover, and getting a generator that will keep
> your datacenter up during a power failure is also pretty trivial.
> By comparison, having several home servers, with residential power,
> residential Internet[1], and commodity hardware stuck on a shelf or in a
> dusty basement somewhere is likely to have greater downtime (even with
> distributed server to server sync) even if it was supported. After all,
> not only would they have to sync, but you'd have to have site A be able
> to fail over to site B in the event of a server failure in site A, which
> requires additional infrastructure such as, for example, DNS which
> checks server availability.

My use case is two fold, one for home and one for work.

In the case of work, having a SPOF is huge for us. While having a single
location is easier and I have tons of replication for power and switches
in the data center, I still need an off-site system to replicate
against. All the difficulty associated with that is part of the accepted
risk for multi-site replication. We can't afford to have data be down
just because a hurricane hit the east coast, or a tornado hit our
corridor data center, or a fire knocking out power on the west coast
(all events that are easily Google-able).

In the case of home, sure it is a bit more work then the average person
could probably deal with in terms of ensuring hardware is running and
what not, but for a good chunk of the admin geeks on this mailing list
the question is not 'can they do it' but 'do they *want* to do it'. I
can say for certain that _I_ want and would do it.

But as of right now, both use cases depend on owncloud having the
ability to support a multi-server configuration.

Even if I just go back to my two servers joined by unison. That worked
for an /extremely/ lightly tested use case in a controlled environment,
but there was still a *single* database being replicated. It should be
trivial to realize that won't work for an active-active system. The
moment there is data loss due to a sync going bad...eek.

I haven't had a chance to test the distributed file system Tahoe-LAFS
yet, but I am still researching it. I have plenty of doubts though. Even
if I get the file system working perfectly with owncloud, I am not sure
how multiple instances of owncloud on the same database is going to
work...This currently worries me more then getting Tahoe-LAFS integration.

> [1] On which, running a publicly accessible server is likely a violation
> of your terms of service, and your ISP can shut you off if you do this.
> (At least, for most residential ISPs in the US).

Very true. I don't recommend this for most. However, my ISP at the
moment doesn't care as long as it isn't a ton of data (I've asked), I am
in one of the lucky cities for Google Fiber and hope it comes to my
neighborhood within the next year (also verified it is ok with them),
the *one* cable company in my dad's neighborhood provides terrible
service...until he upgraded to a business class connection then all of
the reasons they gave for terrible connection suddenly disappeared
(Thanks US cable monopoly!). So the only one I *might* have issues with
is my sister.

So I am not concerned about that.

Besides, think about this scenario for a second. It is my pie-in-the-sky
wish list. It isn't terribly difficult to set up a multi-point encrypted
VPN tunnel. You can do it for really cheap with a bunch of old Linksys
routers + DD-WRT/tomato [I did it back in college as a private LAN for
gaming  because our provider at the time blocked the game ports...it
wasn't blazing fast but it worked]. Then take a bunch of Raspberry Pi's,
and a external USB hard drive. ~100$ total per setup. I have friends in
most of the states in the US + Europe + Asia + one in Africa. How cool
would it be to have a privately-owned massively distributed owncloud
system? It would /truly/ be a cloud! A cloud of people we trust!

But that is a long ways off still. :-)

Anyway, I appreciate all the comments/discussion. The more people who
might be interested in this means the more likely this gets worked on. :-)


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