On 02/05/2015 07:11 AM, Arthur Schiwon wrote:
> On Thursday 05 February 2015 13:58:02 marcos wrote:
>> I received last announcement about owncloud 8 but I can't find changelog
>> to analyze and discus If I can upgrade , exist any place to look?
> We have a brief overview here 
> https://github.com/owncloud/core/wiki/ownCloud-8.0-Features

From that link:
 "Incompatible Changes
    PHP 5.3 no longer works with ownCloud 8.0 -- PHP 5.4 or later is

stack@devweb:~$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux release 6.6 (Carbon)
stack@devweb:~$ rpm -qa | grep php-5

Did Owncloud just drop Enterprise 6 support for Owncloud 8? Or am I
missing something?

I know that technically RHEL 6 is supported until Q4 2020 so it is
unrealistic for Owncloud to stay on PHP-5.3 for that long, but RHEL 7
isn't even a year old yet. I work with a lot of my peers at other
companies/universities and while we are all experimenting with EL7, we
are no where near ready to switch our entire infrastructure. Especially
to a release with as many changes as EL7 has. EL7 broke a _ton_ of our
scripts because so much has changed from EL6 and we use a lot of 3rd
party tools the vendors are not prepared to support on EL7. I am not
anti-EL7, just stating the fact that with such a big change it takes
time to switch a production environment.

I guess I was hoping to get a little more time on RHEL 6. :-/

I know "Software Collections" [1] exist and checking the SL6 mirrors [2]
I see both PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 are available, however, it is far from a
complete PHP installation (at least from what I see).

Has anyone tried running Owncloud in junction with "Software
Collections" on an EL6 box?

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/SoftwareCollections/

Any other suggestions?


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