Hello all,
I have I quite big mutable table and need to select rows by primary keys.
The problem is that "SELECT … WHERE pk IN (pk1, pk2...,pkN)" (ROUND ROBIN POINT 
LOOKUP ON $num KEYS OVER) do not use HBase bloom filter ‘ROW’.
This leads to performance degradation when more than one StoreFile per region 
exists (that is near always true on mutable tables under heavy write)

Im wondering is there any way to optimisation?
Can we force-use ROW bloomfilter directly in Phoenix server side filters? Or is 
there any way to patch HBase method StoreFileScanner.requestSeek() to use ‘ROW’ 

Offtop: ROWCOL bloom is bad option, because it consumes too much spaces and 
doesn’t fit into RegionServers BlockCache

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