Hello folks,

I'm facing the issue of disabling adding to the block cache records I'm selecting from my Spark application when reading as DataFrame (e.g. sqlContext.phoenixTableAsDataFrame(myTable, myColumns, myPredicate, myZkUrl, myConf).

I know I can force the no cache on a query basis when issuing SQL queries leveraging the /*+ NO_CACHE */ hint. I know I can disable the caching at a table-specific or colum-family specific basis through an ALTER TABLE HBase shell command.

What I don't know is how to do so when leveraging Phoenix-Spark APIs. I think my problem can be stated as a more general purpose question: *how can Phoenix hints be specified when using Phoenix-Spark APIs?

*For my specific use case, I tried to push within a Configuration object the property /hfile.block.cache.size=0/ before creating the DataFrame but I realized records resulting from the underneath scan where still cached.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

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