I'm using 4.0.1 as of this morning hoping this would help.  I have recently begun to get:

   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This
   Style does not belong to the supplied Workbook Styles Source. Are
   you trying to assign a style from one workbook to the cell of a
   different workbook?

and I am adding style to a cell in a new sheet, same workbook. The immediate code is not new and had been working (in 4.0.0). Not sure what change I made has caused this to start.

I confess the original xlsx has been touched by LibreOffice/Calc and saved as xlsx.  Linux file command reports:

   file '/home/u0138544/tools/reform/Compicated Query for Rob Tool.xlsx'
   /home/u0138544/tools/reform/Compicated Query for Rob Tool.xlsx:
   Microsoft OOXML

Any suggestions appreciated.

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