Hi All,

I recently upgraded my spark version to 2.4.1 but when I try to run it with
the spark launcher 2.4, the set conf doesn't set my K8S environment
variables from the launcher submit command. Did anything change or am I
doing something wrong?

private def submitToSpark(launchId: String, req: SparkSubmitRequest,
appArgsStr: String)(implicit sparkEc: ExecutionContext):
Future[String] = {
  val promise: Promise[String] = Promise[String]()

  val launcher = new SparkLauncher()
    .setConf(Constants.SPARK_APP_NAME_KEY, req.appName)
    .setConf(Constants.SPARK_DRIVER_LABEL_KEY, launchId)

Thanks and Regards,
I. Ben Chukwumobi

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