Returning DataFrame for text file

2017-03-29 Thread George Obama
Hi, I saw that the API, either R or Scala, we are returning DataFrame for What’s the rational behind this? Regards, George

Getting 2.0.2 for the link

2017-03-17 Thread George Obama
Hello, I download spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz from and get Spark 2.0.2: verified for the Scala, Python and R. The link is from the download page

CSV empty columns handling in Spark 2.0.2

2017-03-16 Thread George Obama
Hello, I am using spark 2.0.2 to read the CSV file with empty columns and is hitting the issue: scala>val df ="header", true).option("inferSchema", true).csv("file location") 17/03/13 07:26:26 WARN DataSource: Error while looking for metadata directory. scala>