Apache Spark - MLLib challenges

2017-09-23 Thread Irfan Kabli
distributions out their in the market. Furthemore, with a multi-tenant hadoop cluster, and data in memory, would spark support encrypting the data in memory with DataFrames. -- Best Regards, Irfan Kabli

SWOT Analysis on Apache Spark

2017-08-24 Thread Irfan Kabli
conduct a fair SWOT analysis of Spark as an analytical engine. Has anybody attempted a similar exercise before? Basically i am looking at a SWOT analysis of Spark components e.g. Spark-Core Spark-MLLib Spark-Streaming Spark-GraphX Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Irfan Kabli

Problems with Reading CSV Files - Java - Eclipse

2016-09-10 Thread Irfan Kabli
Dear Spark community members, I am trying to read a CSV file in Spark using Java API. My setup is as follows: > Windows Machine > Local deployment > Spark 2.0.0 > Eclipse Scala IDE 4.0.0 I am trying to read from the local file system with the following code: (Using the Java Perspective) S