Base R 4.2.0 introduced a change ([Rd] R 4.2.0 is released), "Calling if() or 
while() with a condition of length greater than one gives an error rather than 
a warning."
The below code is a reproducible example of the issue. If it is executed in R 
>=4.2.0 then it will generate an error, else just a warning message. Sys.time() 
is a multi-class object in R, and throughout the Spark R repository 'if' 
statement is used as: 'if(class(x) == "Column")' - this causes the error in 
latest R version. Note that, R allows an object to have multiple 'class' names 
as a character vector (R: Object Classes); hence this type of check itself was 
not a good idea in the first place.
    t <- Sys.time()    sdf <- SparkR::createDataFrame(data.frame(xx = t + 
    SparkR::collect(SparkR::filter(sdf, SparkR::column("xx") > t))

The suggested change is to add 'all' function while doing the check of whether 
class(.) is Column or not: 'if(all(class(x) == "Column"))'.
 Creating an issue in JIRA is not very clear to me, hence mailing it to the 
'user' list.

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