How does readStream() and writeStream() work?

2018-08-03 Thread dddaaa
Hi I'm wondering how does readStream() and writeStream() work internally Lets take a simple example: df = spark.readStream \ .format("kafka") \ .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", kafka_brokers) \ .option("subscribe", kafka_topic) \

Re: How to read json data from kafka and store to hdfs with spark structued streaming?

2018-07-27 Thread dddaaa
This is a mistake in the code snippet I posted. The right code that is actually running and producing the error is: / df = spark \ .readStream \ .format("kafka") \ .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "kafka_broker") \ .option("subscribe", "test_hdfs3") \ .load()

Re: How to read json data from kafka and store to hdfs with spark structued streaming?

2018-07-27 Thread dddaaa
No, I just made sure I'm not doing it. changed the path in .start() to another path and the same still occurs. -- Sent from: - To unsubscribe e-mail:

How to read json data from kafka and store to hdfs with spark structued streaming?

2018-07-24 Thread dddaaa
I'm trying to read json messages from kafka and store them in hdfs with spark structured streaming. I followed the example here: and when my code looks like this: df = spark \ .read \