Hi all,

Wondering if anyone has run into this as I can't find any similar issues in
JIRA, mailing list archives, Stack Overflow, etc. I had a query that was
running successfully, but the query planning time was extremely long (4+
hours). To fix this I added `checkpoint()` calls earlier in the code to
truncate the query plan. This worked to improve the performance, but now I
am getting the error "A column or function parameter with name
`B`.`JOIN_KEY` cannot be resolved." Nothing else in the query changed
besides the `checkpoint()` calls. The only thing I can surmise is that this
is related to a very complex nested query plan where the same table is used
multiple times upstream. The general flow is something like this:

df = spark.sql("...")
df = df.checkpoint()

df2 = spark.sql("SELECT .... JOIN df ...")

# Error happens here: A column or function parameter with name
`a`.`join_key` cannot be resolved. Did you mean one of the following?
[`b`.`join_key`, `a`.`col1`, `b`.`col2`]
FROM df2 b
LEFT JOIN df a ON b.join_key = a.join_key

In the actual code df and df2 are very complex multi-level nested views
built upon other views. If I checkpoint all of the dataframes in the query
right before I run it the error goes away. Unfortunately I have not been
able to put together a minimal reproducible example.

Any ideas?


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