I'm not sure exactly how your cluster is configured. But as far as I can
tell Cloudera's MR1 CDH5 dependencies are against Hadoop 2.3. I'd just find
the exact CDH version you have and link against the `mr1` version of their
published dependencies in that version.

So I think you wan't "2.3.0-mr1-cdh5.0.0"

The full list of Cloudera versions is here:

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Gary Malouf <malouf.g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Today, our cluster setup is as follows:
> Mesos 0.15,
> CDH 4.2.1-MRV1,
> Spark 0.9-pre-scala-2.10 off master build targeted at appropriate CDH4
> version
> We are looking to upgrade all of these in order to get protobuf 2.5
> working properly.  The question is, which 'Hadoop version build' of Spark
> 0.9 is compatible with the HDFS from Hadoop 2.2 and Cloudera's CDH5 MRV1
> installation?  Is there one?

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