
I have a complicated scenario where I can't seem to explain to spark how to 
handle the query in the best way.
I am using spark from the thrift server so only SQL.

To explain the scenario, let's assume:

Table A:
Key : String
Value : String

Table B:
Key: String
Value2: String
Part : String [Partitioning column]

Now, all my queries look like
Select A.Value,B.Value2 from A join B on (A.Key = B.Key) where B.Part = 

I would like to have a cache of the *output* of this query without knowing the 
value "SOMETHING" in advance.
I.e. I would image I can create a *lazy* view like

Create view MyView as Select A.Value,B.Value2,B.Part from A join B on (A.Key = 

Users will *never* query the whole view, that would be huge and blow up the 
cache. They would always do something like:

Select * from MyView where Part = "SOMETHINGELSE"

I would expect spark to be able to push down the partition filter on Part and 
then cache only those output from the query, basically keeping the view 
partitioned by Part in the same manner as B is.

I cannot pre-materialize the whole view since it will be very big, even in 
columnar storage.

Can I achieve this behavior?


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