I have spark application with a JMS receiver.
Basically my application does :

JavaDStream<String> incoming_msg = customReceiverStream.map(
                                new Function<JMSEvent, String>()
                                        public String call(JMSEvent jmsEvent)
                                                return jmsEvent.getText();
incoming_msg.foreachRDD( new Function<JavaRDD<String>,  Void>() {
public Void call(JavaRDD<String> rdd) throws Exception {
        rdd.foreachPartition(new VoidFunction<Iterator<String>>() {
                public void call(Iterator<String> msg) throws Exception {
                        while (msg.hasNext()) {
                            // insert msg in MongoDB

It works fine in standalone, but now I want to distribute it inside a YARN 
cluster of 4 nodes.

Please, could you explain me how will/should be done the distribution on the 
I don't understand if each node will consume JMS Queue or if master node will 
consume JMS Queue and message set will be distributed over the cluster nodes.

Please help me it is not clear..


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