Hi, All,
  I have a function and want to access it in my spark programs, but I got
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError" in spark-submit. I
put the function under:

package com.aaa.MYFUNC

object MYFUNC{
  def FUNC1(input: List[String]) = {

and in my Spark program I import it like:

import com.aaa.MYFUNC._
   val aaa=List("import", "org", "apache", "spark", "SparkContext")
   val res=MYFUNC.FUNC1(aaa)

But after I "sbt package" and set the CLASSPATH and spark-submit the
program I got the above error. It's strange that I can import this package
and run the function of "val res=MYFUNC.FUNC1(aaa)" under a spark-shell
successfully. What's the possible problems? Thanks!


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