Hello all,

I have one big RDD, in which there is a column of groups A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, 
C1, D1, ..., XY.
Out of it, I am using map() to transform into RDD[LabeledPoint] with dense 
vectors for later use into Logistic Regression, which takes RDD[LabeledPoint]
I would like to run a logistic regression for each one of this N groups (which 
is NOT part of any features used in the model itself), but I could not find a 
proper way.

1.      Can't programatically create sub RDDs with a loop: 
org.apache.spark.SparkException: RDD transformations and actions can only be 
invoked by the driver, not inside of other transformations;

2.      Can't create RDDs manually with split() since unknown and large number 
of groups

3.      Pair RDDs seemed a tempting choice with some reduce/combine/values 
bykey functions, but non of them return a data-type valuable as a 
RDD[LabeledPoint] which is lately an input for Logistic Regressions. Any 
programatical way to get sub-RDDs get me back to item 1.

The logit is a simple binary dependant variable out of n features, I just need 
to run one logit for each group.
There may be some mathematical equivalent to run this in one big regression, 
but so far, im out of ideas.


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