I check the `collect` of `DataSet`, this method call the `collect` of `RDD` and 
apply `decodeUnsafeRows`.
So I think the function of the two `collect` is differenct.
The `collect` of `DataSet` is used for spark sql.
If you really want use `collectAsync`,please code following:

At 2018-12-24 11:36:14, "Jiaan Geng" <belie...@163.com> wrote:
>RDD have not the method `collectAsync`.There exists a implicit conversion
>from RDD to AsyncRDDActions in object RDD. The implicit conversion is :
>  implicit def rddToAsyncRDDActions[T: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[T]):
>AsyncRDDActions[T] = {
>    new AsyncRDDActions(rdd)
>  }
>The method collect of RDD use the SparkContext.runJob,But the method
>collectAsync of AsyncRDDActions use SparkContext.submitJob.
>You can refer this difference to achieve this function.
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