
you are right, that is an interesting question.

Looks like GROUP BY is doing something funny / magic here (spark-shell 3.3.1 and 3.5.0-SNAPSHOT):

With an alias, it behaves as you have pointed out:

spark.sql("SELECT * FROM ids_without_dots").show()

// works
spark.sql("SELECT id AS `an.id` FROM ids_without_dots GROUP BY an.id").show()
// fails
spark.sql("SELECT id AS `an.id` FROM ids_without_dots GROUP BY `an.id`").show()

Without an alias, it behaves as expected, which is the opposite of above (a column with a dot exists, no alias used in SELECT):

spark.sql("SELECT `an.id` FROM ids_with_dots").show()

// works
spark.sql("SELECT `an.id` FROM ids_with_dots GROUP BY `an.id`").show()
// fails
spark.sql("SELECT `an.id` FROM ids_with_dots GROUP BY an.id").show()

With a struct column, it also behaves as expected:

spark.sql("SELECT an.id FROM ids_with_struct").show()

// works
spark.sql("SELECT an.id FROM ids_with_struct GROUP BY an.id").show()
// fails
spark.sql("SELECT `an.id` FROM ids_with_struct GROUP BY an.id").show()
spark.sql("SELECT an.id FROM ids_with_struct GROUP BY `an.id`").show()
spark.sql("SELECT `an.id` FROM ids_with_struct GROUP BY `an.id`").show()

This does not feel very consistent.


Am 28.01.23 um 00:34 schrieb Kohki Nishio:
this SQL works

    select 1 as *`data.group`* from tbl group by *data.group*

Since there's no such field as *data,* I thought the SQL has to look like this

    select 1 as *`data.group`* from tbl group by `*data.group`*

 But that gives and error (cannot resolve '`data.group`') ... I'm no expert in SQL, but feel like it's a strange behavior... does anybody have a good explanation for it ?


Kohki Nishio

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