You'll find step by step setup guide for linux and windows here.  You need
to do extra steps for windows. Spark is more user friendly towards *nix.

You are better off downloading ubuntu 19. Hopefully  ubuntu  has the
drivers for you PC.  If ubuntu do not have the drivers then stick to

On Thu, 19 Mar 2020, 16:27 Yasir Elgohary, <> wrote:

> Dear Spark support,
> I am taking an A.I. introduction course and the instructor asked us to
> install Spark 3 with Hadoop WinUtils 2.6. Due to the Corona Virus issue,
> the class is paused and I can't a hold of him.
> I did as much as I can following a procedure from the Internet, but can't
> get "spark-shell" to work!!!
> My knowledge of Windows 7 is below the Expert level.
> I am attaching a photo to clarify the problem.
> Please advise asap...
> Much appreciated...
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