
I am working on writing spark events and application logs in the blob
storage. I am using a similar path for writing spark events and application
logs in blob storage.
For example: *spark.eventLog.dir =
wasb://<containerName>@<storageAccountURI>/logs* and *application log dir =

Since I'm using blob storage I need to create a root directory with a
placeholder file otherwise writing action fails. But I'm not creating a
placeholder file.

Now in case of batch job where spark driver runs in the cluster mode it
works. Because my application logging is taking care of the creation of
folders. Whereas in the case of interactive job which runs in client mode
is failing since I'm not creating a placeholder file.

I would like to understand how spark emits event in case of an interactive
vs batch job. I feel the time of the event emit is causing this issue.

Can someone help to understand this better?

*Sriram G*

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