
I need to batch the values in my final RDD before writing out to hdfs. The idea 
is to batch multiple "rows" in a protobuf and write those batches out - mostly 
to save some space as a lot of metadata is the same. 
e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6 just batch them (1,2), (3,4),(5,6) and save three records 
instead of 6

What I"m doing is that I'm using mapPartitions by using the grouped function of 
the iterator by giving it a groupSize. 

    val protoRDD:RDD[MyProto] = 
rdd.mapPartitions[Profiles](_.grouped(groupSize).map(seq =>{
        val profiles = MyProto(...)
        seq.foreach(x =>{
          val row = new Row(x._1.toString)
I haven't been able to test it out because of a separate issue (protobuf 
version mismatch - in a different thread)  - but i'm hoping it will work.

Is there a better/straight-forward way of doing this?


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