we use Spark version 2.3.1,this version use the hive-jdbc-1.2.1.spark2.jar to 
connect Spark Thriftserver server. 
our hive version is 2.3.3, and we use hive-jdbc-2.3.3.jar to connect hive server

we  want to reduce client jar files,  so we use hive-jdbc-2.3.3.jar as the 
clinet jar, for hive client to connect hive server, and spark client to Spark 
Thriftserver server. 
but, spark client connect  Spark Thriftserver server not works, seems version 
mismatch, required filed "client_protocol" is unset

i have some questions on this 
1. can we use  hive-jdbc-1.2.1.spark2.jar as the only client jar for hive and 
Spark Thriftserver server. is there any problems
2. is there any plan to provide hive-jdbc-2.3.3.spark2.jar in spark-2.3.1 for 
corresponding  hive-2.3.3


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