hello guys:     I have some transactional data as attached file 1.txt. A 
sequence of a single operation 1 followed by a few operations 0 is a transation 
here. The transcations, which sum(Amount) of operation 0 is less than the 
sum(Amount) of operation 1, need to be found out. 
     There are serveral questions here:1. To deal with this kind of 
transaction, What is the most sensible way?Does UDAF help? Or does sparksql 
provide transactional support? I remembered that hive has some kind of support 
towards transaction, like 
2.The data has been sorted by timestamp. How about to get those transactions 
with a time period ,like 24hours.
     thank you.



Thanks&Best regards!
|Account|Operation| Timestamp| Amount|
|     13|        1|1400017208| 674.33|
|     13|        0|1400102650|  73.86|
|     13|        1|1400130576|1155.48|
|     13|        1|1400165378|  96.04|
|     13|        0|1400245724| 173.84|
|     13|        0|1400258007| 852.29|
|     13|        1|1400265065|2085.32|
|     13|        0|1400329127|  429.3|
|     13|        0|1400383007|  611.2|
|     13|        1|1400428342|1629.76|
|     13|        0|1400457645| 490.55|
|     13|        1|1400516552| 369.54|
|     13|        1|1400618678|1316.05|
|     13|        0|1400655615| 573.71|
|     13|        0|1400696930| 877.16|
|     13|        0|1400732011| 105.51|
|     13|        0|1400751612|1512.23|
|     13|        0|1400761888| 414.36|
|     13|        0|1400814042|  36.52|
|     13|        0|1400831895| 611.15|
only showing top 20 rows

SQL£ºselect * from r where Account=13 limit 20
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