Re: Broadcast vs simple variable

2014-08-20 Thread Patrick Wendell
For large objects, it will be more efficient to broadcast it. If your array is small it won't really matter. How many centers do you have? Unless you are finding that you have very large tasks (and Spark will print a warning about this), it could be okay to just reference it directly. On Wed,

Re: Web UI doesn't show some stages

2014-08-20 Thread Patrick Wendell
The reason is that some operators get pipelined into a single stage. - this executes in a single stage since there is no data movement needed in between these operations. If you call toDeubgString on the final RDD it will give you some information about the exact lineage.

Re: Advantage of using cache()

2014-08-23 Thread Patrick Wendell
Yep - that's correct. As an optimization we save the shuffle output and re-use if if you execute a stage twice. So this can make A:B tests like this a bit confusing. - Patrick On Friday, August 22, 2014, Nieyuan wrote: Because map-reduce tasks like join will save

Re: Understanding RDD.GroupBy OutOfMemory Exceptions

2014-08-25 Thread Patrick Wendell
might land in Spark 1.2, is that being tracked in or is there another ticket I should be following? Thanks! Andrew On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Patrick Wendell wrote: Hi Jens, Within a partition things will spill

Submit to the Powered By Spark Page!

2014-08-26 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi All, I want to invite users to submit to the Spark Powered By page. This page is a great way for people to learn about Spark use cases. Since Spark activity has increased a lot in the higher level libraries and people often ask who uses each one, we'll include information about which

Re: Spark Streaming: DStream - zipWithIndex

2014-08-27 Thread Patrick Wendell
Yeah - each batch will produce a new RDD. On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Soumitra Kumar wrote: Thanks. Just to double check, would be unique for a batch in a DStream? On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Xiangrui Meng wrote: You can use RDD

Re: memory size for caching RDD

2014-09-03 Thread Patrick Wendell
Changing this is not supported, it si immutable similar to other spark configuration settings. On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 8:13 PM, 牛兆捷 wrote: Dear all: Spark uses memory to cache RDD and the memory size is specified by One the Executor starts,

Re: Deployment model popularity - Standard vs. YARN vs. Mesos vs. SIMR

2014-09-07 Thread Patrick Wendell
I would say that the first three are all used pretty heavily. Mesos was the first one supported (long ago), the standalone is the simplest and most popular today, and YARN is newer but growing a lot in activity. SIMR is not used as much... it was designed mostly for environments where users had

Announcing Spark 1.1.0!

2014-09-11 Thread Patrick Wendell
I am happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.1.0! Spark 1.1.0 is the second release on the API-compatible 1.X line. It is Spark's largest release ever, with contributions from 171 developers! This release brings operational and performance improvements in Spark core including a new

Re: Use Case of mutable RDD - any ideas around will help.

2014-09-12 Thread Patrick Wendell
[moving to user@] This would typically be accomplished with a union() operation. You can't mutate an RDD in-place, but you can create a new RDD with a union() which is an inexpensive operator. On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 5:28 AM, Archit Thakur wrote: Hi, We have a use

Re: Spark 1.1.0: Cannot load main class from JAR

2014-09-12 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey SK, Yeah, the documented format is the same (we expect users to add the jar at the end) but the old spark-submit had a bug where it would actually accept inputs that did not match the documented format. Sorry if this was difficult to find! - Patrick On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 1:50 PM, SK

Re: spark-1.1.0 with problem

2014-09-14 Thread Patrick Wendell
Yeah that issue has been fixed by adding better docs, it just didn't make it in time for the release: On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 11:57 PM, Zhanfeng Huo wrote: resolved: ./ --name

Re: partitioned groupBy

2014-09-16 Thread Patrick Wendell
If each partition can fit in memory, you can do this using mapPartitions and then building an inverse mapping within each partition. You'd need to construct a hash map within each partition yourself. On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Akshat Aranya wrote: I have a use case where

Re: partitioned groupBy

2014-09-17 Thread Patrick Wendell
guess I would need to override mapPartitions() directly within my RDD. Right? On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Patrick Wendell wrote: If each partition can fit in memory, you can do this using mapPartitions and then building an inverse mapping within each partition. You'd need

Re: Spot instances on Amazon EMR

2014-09-18 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Grzegorz, EMR is a service that is not maintained by the Spark community. So this list isn't the right place to ask EMR questions. - Patrick On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 3:19 AM, Grzegorz Białek wrote: Hi, I would like to run Spark application on Amazon EMR. I have

Re: coalesce with shuffle or repartition is not necessarily fault-tolerant

2014-10-08 Thread Patrick Wendell
IIRC - the random is seeded with the index, so it will always produce the same result for the same index. Maybe I don't totally follow though. Could you give a small example of how this might change the RDD ordering in a way that you don't expect? In general repartition() will not preserve the

Re: sparksql connect remote hive cluster

2014-10-08 Thread Patrick Wendell
Spark will need to connect both to the hive metastore and to all HDFS nodes (NN and DN's). If that is all in place then it should work. In this case it looks like maybe it can't connect to a datanode in HDFS to get the raw data. Keep in mind that the performance might not be very good if you are

Re: scalac crash when compiling DataTypeConversions.scala

2014-10-23 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Ryan, I've found that filing issues with the Scala/Typesafe JIRA is pretty helpful if the issue can be fully reproduced, and even sometimes helpful if it can't. You can file bugs here: The Spark SQL code in particular is typically the

Re: About Memory usage in the Spark UI

2014-10-23 Thread Patrick Wendell
It shows the amount of memory used to store RDD blocks, which are created when you run .cache()/.persist() on an RDD. On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Haopu Wang wrote: Hi, please take a look at the attached screen-shot. I wonders what's the Memory Used column mean. I

Re: Support Hive 0.13 .1 in Spark SQL

2014-10-28 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Cheng, Right now we aren't using stable API's to communicate with the Hive Metastore. We didn't want to drop support for Hive 0.12 so right now we are using a shim layer to support compiling for 0.12 and 0.13. This is very costly to maintain. If Hive has a stable meta-data API for talking to

Re: Ending a job early

2014-10-28 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Jim, There are some experimental (unstable) API's that support running jobs which might short-circuit: This can be used for doing online aggregations like you are describing. And in one

Re: Still struggling with building documentation

2014-11-11 Thread Patrick Wendell
The doc build appears to be broken in master. We'll get it patched up before the release: On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Alessandro Baretta wrote: Nichols and Patrick, Thanks for your help, but, no, it still does not

Re: Spark and Play

2014-11-11 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi There, Because Akka versions are not binary compatible with one another, it might not be possible to integrate Play with Spark 1.1.0. - Patrick On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Akshat Aranya wrote: Hi, Sorry if this has been asked before; I didn't find a satisfactory

Re: toLocalIterator in Spark 1.0.0

2014-11-13 Thread Patrick Wendell
It looks like you are trying to directly import the toLocalIterator function. You can't import functions, it should just appear as a method of an existing RDD if you have one. - Patrick On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 10:21 PM, Deep Pradhan wrote: Hi, I am using Spark 1.0.0

Re: latest Spark 1.2 thrift server fail with NoClassDefFoundError on Guava

2014-11-26 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi Judy, Are you somehow modifying Spark's classpath to include jars from Hadoop and Hive that you have running on the machine? The issue seems to be that you are somehow including a version of Hadoop that references the original guava package. The Hadoop that is bundled in the Spark jars should

Re: latest Spark 1.2 thrift server fail with NoClassDefFoundError on Guava

2014-11-26 Thread Patrick Wendell
/Preconitions.checkArgument:(ZLjava/lang/Object;)V 50: invokestatic #502// Method org/spark-project/guava/common/base/Preconitions.checkArgument:(ZLjava/lang/Object;)V On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Patrick Wendell wrote: Hi Judy, Are you somehow

Re: Opening Spark on IntelliJ IDEA

2014-11-29 Thread Patrick Wendell
I recently posted instructions on loading Spark in Intellij from scratch: You need to do a few extra steps for the YARN project to work. Also, for questions like this that

Re: latest Spark 1.2 thrift server fail with NoClassDefFoundError on Guava

2014-11-30 Thread Patrick Wendell
to bypass the error. This was caused by a local change, so no impact on the 1.2 release. -Original Message- From: Patrick Wendell [] Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:17 AM To: Judy Nash Cc: Denny Lee; Cheng Lian; Subject: Re

Re: Exception adding resource files in latest Spark

2014-12-04 Thread Patrick Wendell
Thanks for flagging this. I reverted the relevant YARN fix in Spark 1.2 release. We can try to debug this in master. On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Jianshi Huang wrote: I created a ticket for this: Jianshi On Fri,

Re: Stateful mapPartitions

2014-12-05 Thread Patrick Wendell
Yeah the main way to do this would be to have your own static cache of connections. These could be using an object in Scala or just a static variable in Java (for instance a set of connections that you can borrow from). - Patrick On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 5:26 PM, Tobias Pfeiffer

Re: Spark Server - How to implement

2014-12-12 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Manoj, One proposal potentially of interest is the Spark Kernel project from IBM - you should look for their. The interface in that project is more of a remote REPL interface, i.e. you submit commands (as strings) and get back results (as strings), but you don't have direct programmatic

Re: spark streaming kafa best practices ?

2014-12-17 Thread Patrick Wendell
, 2014 at 12:57 AM, Patrick Wendell wrote: The second choice is better. Once you call collect() you are pulling all of the data onto a single node, you want to do most of the processing in parallel on the cluster, which is what map() will do. Ideally you'd try to summarize

Announcing Spark 1.2!

2014-12-19 Thread Patrick Wendell
I'm happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.2.0! Spark 1.2.0 is the third release on the API-compatible 1.X line. It is Spark's largest release ever, with contributions from 172 developers and more than 1,000 commits! This release brings operational and performance improvements in Spark

Re: Question on saveAsTextFile with overwrite option

2014-12-24 Thread Patrick Wendell
Is it sufficient to set spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs to false? - Patrick On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Shao, Saisai wrote: Hi, We have such requirements to save RDD output to HDFS with saveAsTextFile like

Re: Question on saveAsTextFile with overwrite option

2014-12-24 Thread Patrick Wendell
: Patrick Wendell [] Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 3:22 PM To: Shao, Saisai Cc:; Subject: Re: Question on saveAsTextFile with overwrite option Is it sufficient to set spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs to false? http

Re: Long-running job cleanup

2014-12-28 Thread Patrick Wendell
What do you mean when you say the overhead of spark shuffles start to accumulate? Could you elaborate more? In newer versions of Spark shuffle data is cleaned up automatically when an RDD goes out of scope. It is safe to remove shuffle data at this point because the RDD can no longer be

Re: action progress in ipython notebook?

2014-12-28 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Eric, I'm just curious - which specific features in 1.2 do you find most help with usability? This is a theme we're focusing on for 1.3 as well, so it's helpful to hear what makes a difference. - Patrick On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 1:36 AM, Eric Friedman wrote: Hi

Re: Bouncing Mails

2015-01-17 Thread Patrick Wendell
Akhil, Those are handled by ASF infrastructure, not anyone in the Spark project. So this list is not the appropriate place to ask for help. - Patrick On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 12:56 AM, Akhil Das wrote: My mails to the mailing list are getting rejected, have opened a

Re: Accumulator value in Spark UI

2015-01-14 Thread Patrick Wendell
It should appear in the page for any stage in which accumulators are updated. On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 6:46 PM, Justin Yip wrote: Hello, From accumulator documentation, it says that if the accumulator is named, it will be displayed in the WebUI. However, I cannot find

Re: Re: Sort Shuffle performance issues about using AppendOnlyMap for large data sets

2015-02-12 Thread Patrick Wendell
The map will start with a capacity of 64, but will grow to accommodate new data. Are you using the groupBy operator in Spark or are you using Spark SQL's group by? This usually happens if you are grouping or aggregating in a way that doesn't sufficiently condense the data created from each input

Re: Questions about Spark standalone resource scheduler

2015-02-02 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Jerry, I think standalone mode will still add more features over time, but the goal isn't really for it to become equivalent to what Mesos/YARN are today. Or at least, I doubt Spark Standalone will ever attempt to manage _other_ frameworks outside of Spark and become a general purpose

Re: feeding DataFrames into predictive algorithms

2015-02-11 Thread Patrick Wendell
I think there is a minor error here in that the first example needs a tail after the seq: { row = (row.getDouble(0),[Double])) }.toDataFrame(label, features) On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 7:46 PM, Michael Armbrust wrote: It sounds like

Re: Spark v1.2.1 failing under BigTop build in External Flume Sink (due to missing Netty library)

2015-03-05 Thread Patrick Wendell
You may need to add the -Phadoop-2.4 profile. When building or release packages for Hadoop 2.4 we use the following flags: -Phadoop-2.4 -Phive -Phive-thriftserver -Pyarn - Patrick On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Kelly, Jonathan wrote: I confirmed that this has nothing to

Re: How to set per-user spark.local.dir?

2015-03-11 Thread Patrick Wendell
We don't support expressions or wildcards in that configuration. For each application, the local directories need to be constant. If you have users submitting different Spark applications, those can each set spark.local.dirs. - Patrick On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 12:14 AM, Jianshi Huang

[ANNOUNCE] Announcing Spark 1.3!

2015-03-13 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi All, I'm happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.3.0! Spark 1.3.0 is the fourth release on the API-compatible 1.X line. It is Spark's largest release ever, with contributions from 172 developers and more than 1,000 commits! Visit the release notes [1] to read about the new features, or

Re: 1.3 Hadoop File System problem

2015-03-24 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Jim, Thanks for reporting this. Can you give a small end-to-end code example that reproduces it? If so, we can definitely fix it. - Patrick On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Jim Carroll wrote: I have code that works under 1.2.1 but when I upgraded to 1.3.0 it fails to

Re: Is SPARK_CLASSPATH really deprecated?

2015-02-27 Thread Patrick Wendell
I think we need to just update the docs, it is a bit unclear right now. At the time, we made it worded fairly sternly because we really wanted people to use --jars when we deprecated SPARK_CLASSPATH. But there are other types of deployments where there is a legitimate need to augment the classpath

Re: FW: Submitting jobs to Spark EC2 cluster remotely

2015-02-23 Thread Patrick Wendell
is exactly the issue: on my master node UI at the bottom I can see the list of Completed Drivers all with ERROR state... Thanks, Oleg -Original Message- From: Patrick Wendell [] Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 12:59 AM To: Oleg Shirokikh Cc: user

Re: Add PredictionIO to Powered by Spark

2015-02-24 Thread Patrick Wendell
Added - thanks! I trimmed it down a bit to fit our normal description length. On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 8:24 AM, Thomas Stone wrote: Please can we add PredictionIO to PredictionIO

Re: Can you add Big Industries to the Powered by Spark page?

2015-02-24 Thread Patrick Wendell
I've added it, thanks! On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Emre Sevinc wrote: Hello, Could you please add Big Industries to the Powered by Spark page at ? Company Name: Big Industries URL:

Re: RDD resiliency -- does it keep state?

2015-03-27 Thread Patrick Wendell
If you invoke this, you will get at-least-once semantics on failure. For instance, if a machine dies in the middle of executing the foreach for a single partition, that will be re-executed on another machine. It could even fully complete on one machine, but the machine dies immediately before

Re: Spark 1.3 Source - Github and source tar does not seem to match

2015-03-27 Thread Patrick Wendell
The source code should match the Spark commit 4aaf48d46d13129f0f9bdafd771dd80fe568a7dc. Do you see any differences? On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Manoj Samel wrote: While looking into a issue, I noticed that the source displayed on Github site does not matches the

Re: does not allowed to preservesPartitioning?

2015-03-26 Thread Patrick Wendell
I think we have a version of mapPartitions that allows you to tell Spark the partitioning is preserved: We could also add a map function that does same. Or you can just write your map using an

Re: DataFrame operation on parquet: GC overhead limit exceeded

2015-03-23 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Yiannis, If you just perform a count on each name, date pair... can it succeed? If so, can you do a count and then order by to find the largest one? I'm wondering if there is a single pathologically large group here that is somehow causing OOM. Also, to be clear, you are getting GC limit

Re: Configuring amount of disk space available to spark executors in mesos?

2015-04-13 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hey Jonathan, Are you referring to disk space used for storing persisted RDD's? For that, Spark does not bound the amount of data persisted to disk. It's a similar story to how Spark's shuffle disk output works (and also Hadoop and other frameworks make this assumption as well for their shuffle

Re: Spark timeout issue

2015-04-26 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi Deepak - please direct this to the user@ list. This list is for development of Spark itself. On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Deepak Gopalakrishnan wrote: Hello All, I'm trying to process a 3.5GB file on standalone mode using spark. I could run my spark job succesfully on

Announcing Spark 1.3.1 and 1.2.2

2015-04-17 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi All, I'm happy to announce the Spark 1.3.1 and 1.2.2 maintenance releases. We recommend all users on the 1.3 and 1.2 Spark branches upgrade to these releases, which contain several important bug fixes. Download Spark 1.3.1 or 1.2.2: Release notes:

Re: Fully in-memory shuffles

2015-06-11 Thread Patrick Wendell wrote: Ok so it is the case that small shuffles can be done without hitting any disk. Is this the same case for the aux shuffle service in yarn? Can that be done without hitting disk? On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 9:17 PM, Patrick Wendell wrote: In many cases the shuffle

Re: Fully in-memory shuffles

2015-06-10 Thread Patrick Wendell
In many cases the shuffle will actually hit the OS buffer cache and not ever touch spinning disk if it is a size that is less than memory on the machine. - Patrick On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 5:06 PM, Corey Nolet wrote: So with this... to help my understanding of Spark under the

[ANNOUNCE] Announcing Spark 1.4

2015-06-11 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi All, I'm happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.4.0! Spark 1.4.0 is the fifth release on the API-compatible 1.X line. It is Spark's largest release ever, with contributions from 210 developers and more than 1,000 commits! A huge thanks go to all of the individuals and organizations

Announcing Spark 1.4.1!

2015-07-15 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi All, I'm happy to announce the Spark 1.4.1 maintenance release. We recommend all users on the 1.4 branch upgrade to this release, which contain several important bug fixes. Download Spark 1.4.1 - Release notes -

SparkHub: a new community site for Apache Spark

2015-07-10 Thread Patrick Wendell
Hi All, Today, I'm happy to announce SparkHub (, a service for the Apache Spark community to easily find the most relevant Spark resources on the web. SparkHub is a curated list of Spark news, videos and talks, package releases, upcoming events around the world,

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