How to join two RDDs with mutually exclusive keys

2014-11-20 Thread Blind Faith
Say I have two RDDs with the following values

x = [(1, 3), (2, 4)]


y = [(3, 5), (4, 7)]

and I want to have

z = [(1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 7)]

How can I achieve this. I know you can use outerJoin followed by map to
achieve this, but is there a more direct way for this.

Is there a way to create key based on counts in Spark

2014-11-18 Thread Blind Faith
As it is difficult to explain this, I would show what I want. Lets us say,
I have an RDD A with the following value

A = [word1, word2, word3]

I want to have an RDD with the following value

B = [(1, word1), (2, word2), (3, word3)]

That is, it gives a unique number to each entry as a key value. Can we do
such thing with Python or Scala?

How can I apply such an inner join in Spark Scala/Python

2014-11-17 Thread Blind Faith
So let us say I have RDDs A and B with the following values.

A = [ (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6) ]

B = [ (1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 6), (4, 5), (5, 6) ]

I want to apply an inner join, such that I get the following as a result.

C = [ (1, (2, 3)), (2, (4, 5)), (3, (6,6)) ]

That is, those keys which are not present in A should disappear after the
left inner join.

How can I achieve that? I can see outerJoin functions but no innerJoin
functions in the Spark RDD class.

Which function in spark is used to combine two RDDs by keys

2014-11-13 Thread Blind Faith
Let us say I have the following two RDDs, with the following key-pair

rdd1 = [ (key1, [value1, value2]), (key2, [value3, value4]) ]


rdd2 = [ (key1, [value5, value6]), (key2, [value7]) ]

Now, I want to join them by key values, so for example I want to return the

ret = [ (key1, [value1, value2, value5, value6]), (key2, [value3,
value4, value7]) ]

How I can I do this, in spark using python or scala? One way is to use
join, but join would create a tuple inside the tuple. But I want to only
have one tuple per key value pair.

How to change the default limiter for textFile function

2014-11-11 Thread Blind Faith
I am a newbie to spark, and I program in Python. I use textFile function to
make an RDD from a file. I notice that the default limiter is newline.
However I want to change this default limiter to something else. After
searching the web, I came to know about textinputformat.record.delimiter
property, but doesn't seem to have any effect, when I use it with
SparkConf. So my question is, how do I change the default limiter in python?

Does spark works on multicore systems?

2014-11-08 Thread Blind Faith
I am a Spark newbie and I use python (pyspark). I am trying to run a
program on a 64 core system, but no matter what I do, it always uses 1
core. It doesn't matter if I run it using spark-submit --master local[64] or I call x.repartition(64) in my code with an RDD, the spark
program always uses one core. Has anyone experience of running spark
programs on multicore processors with success? Can someone provide me a
very simple example that does properly run on all cores of a multicore