Re: Jboss 7.2 gives 404 after deployment

2019-02-24 Thread John W. Himpel
Martin, Thanks for the tip. I was able to get further, but ran into more method not found issues. I don't believe this is a struts issue, rather I believe it's an impedence issue between classloader in JBoss 7 having requirements that other JEE processors don't have and what maven produces (or

Re: Jboss 7.2 gives 404 after deployment

2019-02-24 Thread Martin Gainty
never say the r word..better to say he passed climbing everest but fell 10,000 feet into tibet content/learning-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war/WEB-INF/lib/struts2-core-2.5.20.jar/struts-default.xml:131:154 ensure struts-default.xml is located inside struts2-core-2.5.20.jar inside WEB-INF/lib folder (blow