I'm using the <s:a> tag and I'm experience a severe performance penalty.
This is with Struts 2.0.11

As part of my JSP page I have

                        <s:iterator value="pageData">
                          <tr id="row_<s:property value="id"/>">
                        <s:url id="removeUrl" action="investDelete">
                                  <s:param name="jabreId" value="jabreId" />
                                <s:a href="%{removeUrl}" theme="ajax"
targets="investData"><img src=images/delete.gif border=0 alt='remove'></s:a>
                          <s:url id="editUrl" action="investEdit">
                                    <s:param name="jabreId" value="jabreId"
                                  <s:a href="%{editUrl}" theme="ajax"
targets="investData"><img src=images/edit.gif border=0 alt='edit'></s:a>

There are 5 other plain text columns in the table.  There are around 350
rows in the table.  The JSP is loaded  into a <s:div> that is a tab of a

The full set of tabs takes around 1 minute 10 seconds to fully load (i.e.
the browser stops processing the page).

If I remove the two <s:a> tags in the fragment above, then the page takes 35
seconds to load.   These timings are from Firefox 2.0.11, but IE7 has a
similar problem (IE7 gives a message about 'the script on this page is
taking a long time')

Dojo seems to process result of the <s:a> tags, during which time the
browser takes 50% of the CPU and is unresponsive.

Is there any way I can manually generate the final result of the output of
the <s:a> tag to avoid this.  If I can't, then I will need to remove all the
struts ajax tags and do everything 'by hand'

Thanks for your time.


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