--- Tamas Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> It's past midnight here so I'll check the code
> tomorrow. A few questions 
> though...
> > 1) For one, the business requirement created a bit
> more complication 
> > in the filter. For example a check for the session
> timing out has to 
> > take place on all pages except for
> (index.jsp/login/logout/appinuse). 
> > I'm doing this check in the filter by checking for
> the session being 
> > null, but it created complications of when to
> force a new one, which 
> > is needed for the 'invalidate' check.
> >
> > I'd love some help with the ugly logic I have
> (which I'll post at end 
> > of this doc). I know it can be cleaned up, but you
> know how it is when 
> > your trying a million different if/else things and
> your brain is 
> > frazzled:)
> Could you clear this situation for me:
> User A is using the app, then his session expires.
> User B starts to use the app.
> User A comes back and want to access a page in the
> app. Remember that 
> his session is expired and User B is already using
> the app.
> You redirect him to index.jsp? Or to appInUse.jsp?
> At first I would say that you could use a second
> filter which checks for 
> expired session.
> This way the situation will be clear.
> One filter limits the sessions the other filter
> checks for timeouted 
> sessions.
> > 2) I noticed a lot of odd behavior when the server
> was shut down and 
> > the pages were still up. For example, if the user
> was left on a page 
> > that displayed a "log off" link and the server was
> restarted, when 
> > they then clicked on log off (which calls session
> invalidate) it would 
> > decrement the sessionCounter to -1. I'm not sure
> how sessionDestroyed 
> > could get called before sessionCreated, but I
> guess it can? My hack 
> > here was to do a check for sessionCount being less
> than 0 and if so 
> > reset it to 0.
> >
> This is strange. What kind of webcontainer do you
> use?
> At first glance it seems like your web container has
> a 'feature' to 
> serialize sessions on stop and to recreate them when
> you start the 
> server again.
> In this case the sessionCounter would be set to 0 on
> restart but the 
> session would be recreated => no sessionCreated()
> executed, just
> sessionDestroyed() on logout...
> > 3) Using <[EMAIL PROTECTED] session="false" %> didn't seem to
> call the 
> > sessionDestroyed method, which I really need to
> have happen when they 
> > hit the logoff and appinuse.jsp. I went back to
> using <% 
> > session.invalidate(); %> (I haven't looked at the
> docs on 
> > session="false" for JSPs does that just make sure
> a new Session isn't 
> > created?)
> >
> If you use
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] session="false" %>
> your session implicit object will not be
> initialized.
> If you use
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] session="true" %>
> in the translated servlet you will have a line:
> session = request.getSession();
> So if you want to use session.invalidate() you
> cannot use <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> session="false" %>.
> I used <[EMAIL PROTECTED] session="false" %> only in appInUse,
> not in logoff.
> I used it because otherwise a new session will be
> created when you 
> redirect to the appinuse.jsp from the filter.
> The session will be flagged for invalidation, but
> because we just let 
> through all the request to appInUse.jsp
> in the filter the sesiion will not be invalidated.
> > OK here is the filter that I'd love some clean up
> on. There must be a 
> > way to make this less ugly...you can try this link
> to see the full 
> > version:
> >
> I will check it tomorrow...sorry
> Tamas
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