We can see the problem by reading the error message.  You're iterating
through a HashMap, which gives you "Entry" objects for each iteration.
The only objects directly available to an "Entry" object are the "key"
and "value".  So, change "${currentQuestion.answerOptions}" to
"${currentQuestion.value}", and I believe it will work.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Souness
> I have a basic survey creation form which is backed by three 
> levels of 
> form bean - survey -> questions -> answerOptions.
> Using the following JSTL gets me this exception:
> javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: Unable to find a value for 
> "answerOptions" in object of class "java.util.HashMap$Entry" using 
> operator "."
> Do I need to somehow specify the type of the Question, or is there a 
> more elegant solution?
> <c:forEach var="currentQuestion" items="${editSurveyForm.questions}" 
> varStatus="questionStatus">
>    <tr>
>     <td>
>      <html:text 
> property="question[${questionStatus.index+1}].questionText" />
>     </td>
>    </tr>
>    <c:forEach var="currentAnswer" 
> items="${currentQuestion.answerOptions}" varStatus="answerStatus">
>    <tr>
>     <td><html:text 
> property="answerOption[$answerStatus.index+1].text" 
> /></td>
>    </tr>
>    </c:forEach>
> </c:forEach>

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