
Has anybody used the
org.springframework.web.stuts.SpringBindingActionForm class?

The class extends ActionForm and the typical use, according to the
javadoc is:

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm
actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
    SpringBindingActionForm form = (SpringBindingActionForm) actionForm;
    MyPojoBean bean = ...;
    ServletRequestDataBinder binder = new ServletRequestDataBinder(bean, 
    form.expose(binder.getErrors(), request);
    return actionMapping.findForward("success");

After doing this the properties of the MyPojoBean will be exposed in the JSP so 
<html:text ... > tags will work as SpringBindingActionForm had these properties 

Do you know how this works?
I mean the SpringBindingActionForm doesn't actually have the properties and 
<html:text property="xxx" /> will end up in calling a getXxx() to set the value 
of the
text field.

I know that I could find it out from the code, I tried, but it's not a simple 
and currently I have no time to look at this in more detail.
So I hope that somebody knows the answer. If not I will check the code when I 
will have some free time.

It's not only curiosity, I would like to know how it works because

<c:out value="{actionForm.xxx}" />

doesn't work. (actionForm is the attribute set in the action mapping in 
struts-config.xml and xxx is an 
arbitrary property of exposed bean.
It says that the class SpringBindingActionForm doesn't have a property named 
Which is true ... But the <html:text ...> works.

I hope somebody can help me with this one.

Thanks in advance,


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