Hi All,


Having a blank mind moment here. I was hoping someone might be able to
clear it up with me.


I am using my favourite Struts 2 setup of Convention + Spring. However I
am just going through the process of adding a global exception mapping,
so I created a struts.xml file which contains the following:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.1//EN"




    <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="convention-default">


            <result name="timeout"



exception="com.me.exception.DataTimeoutException" result="timeout" />





I also set the following in my web.xml







Now for me here is where the confusion comes in. 


Struts Core has a default package which is abstract. This is overridden
with the convention plugin with a concrete version "convention-default"
(note, it is empty). However the Spring plugin also has its own package
"spring-default" which contains 2 interceptors for autowiring. 


Does this mean I am never using the Spring package as I never extend it
or have it as part of me configuration, I have always left the config to
"convention-default" and added the library for Spring which meant I
could do



MyService myService


In my action.


Or is the Spring package included somehow and I have missed it?


Please please someone help me from going insane... J




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