On 21/02/20 19:29, roccom wrote:
> I am wanting to accomplish pretty much the same thing. I have users being
> pulled in via the rest connector but I want to have groups/memberships
> created at that time. Francesco, I cannot access this link
> https://paste.apache.org/bpe4. Could you post it again?

sorry but I don't retain the content of the link above, which seems to be 
expired now.

This thread is about propagating membership, but it seems you are instead 
interested in *pulling* memberships, so maybe you can have a look at [1], which 
is a sample implementation for the LDAP case.

In the context of the thread, e.g. "(with propagation actions) you can look at 
the user being propagated, and enrich
the set of attributes that were prepared by looking at the mapping" I can think 
of some sample code to place into the before() method of a PropagationActions 
[2] implementation - see


for an example.


[2] http://syncope.apache.org/docs/reference-guide.html#propagationactions

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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