On 26/08/20 18:39, te...@net-c.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm actually assessing some open source software being able to manage 
> workflows, identities, etc. Syncope looks great and I've started to read the 
> documentation to have a better view of features and possibilities.
> One question comes to me, if you are able to give me more hints about, I 
> would be really thankful.
> Managing objects stored in an openLDAP seems to lean on a java connector 
> using connId API with attributes and object mapping properties. Correct ?
> The connId for LDAP included into bundles and the architecture of Syncope 
> looks able to manage identities (user) and groups memberships by default 
> (with some others stuff like AnyObject, memberships...).
> However, openLDAP gives many more possibilities with its schema by writing 
> custom classes, attributes and elaborating complex tree hierarchy where 
> relationships can be imagined between users and custom structures 
> (organizationalUnit-like) thanks to custom attributes for example.
> I just wonder if it is possible to handle such a complex LDAP directory tree 
> with Syncope ? Extending the question, is it possible to handle and manage 
> through Syncope any kind of ldap schema and directory tree ?
> Thanks a lot. And thanks for you work.
> Anthony.
Hi Anthony,
glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.

Syncope is mostly a Provisioning Engine, striving to keep identity data as much 
synchronized as possible across a different set of formats and technologies.

For such a reason, it relies on ConnId to perform the actual communication with 
the variegated universe of Identity Stores: DBMS, LDAP, REST and SOAP web 
services, and many many others.
ConnId provides an abstraction layer to attempt to create an uniform view for 
reading and writing identity data from / to the stores mentioned above; thus, 
the challenge to create a layer not too far from, and not close to actual 
implementation is always open.

Nevertheless, coming to your specific questions, we do provide in Syncope a way 
to represent (a) LDAP schema and (b) directory tree.

About the former, I would suggest to take a look at [1]: Syncope's concepts 
were somewhat inspired by LDAP - the most ancient and diffuse identity 
technology around - so we define schemas (LDAP attribute type's counterpart) 
and any type classes (LDAP object class' counterpart).

About the latter, please check [2].

For both it is of fundamental importance to (a) provide a good mapping [3] and 
(b) refine and adjust the corners where static mapping cannot reach via Groovy 
or Java implementations [4].

Hope this clarifies.

[1] http://syncope.apache.org/docs/2.1/reference-guide.html#type-management
[2] http://syncope.apache.org/docs/2.1/reference-guide.html#realms
[3] http://syncope.apache.org/docs/2.1/reference-guide.html#mapping
[4] http://syncope.apache.org/docs/2.1/reference-guide.html#implementations

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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