here's what I did (after creating new Maven project, in embedded mode - it should be exactly the same with standalone distribution):

1. from Admin Console, I went to Topology > resource-ldap > edit provision rules
2. added a mapping item to USER / __ACCOUNT__, with
  * 'mustChangePassword' as internal attribute
  * 'pwdReset' as external attribute
  * JEXL transformer 'mustChangePassword == 1'
3. saved

After that, I have created a new user, and assigned 'resource-ldap': the user got created as expected on the embedded ApacheDS instance (e.g. the one behind 'resource-ldap' above), with 'pwdReset: false'.

Then, on the user row, I have clicked on the "set must change password" menu entry: an update was sent to ApacheDS and 'pwdReset' became true. I clicked again on the same menu entry (which I have now changed to "toggle must change password"): another update to ApacheDS and 'pwdReset' became false.

Is there anything different that  you were expecting?

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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