We are pleased to announce the release of DKPro Core, version 1.7.0 (ASL & GPL) 
a collection of interoperable software components for natural language 
processing (NLP) based on the Apache UIMA framework.

. http://code.google.com/p/dkpro-core-asl
. http://code.google.com/p/dkpro-core-gpl

Analysis components

. hunpos - wrapper for hunpos, a HMM pos tagger including models for many 
. langdetect - wrapper for language-detection, a language detection tool for 
. mallet - wrapper for topic modelling using MALLET;
. textnormalizer - original components for text normalization, e.g. spelling 
correction, umlaut normalization, expressive lengthening normalization.

Data formats

. io.conll - support for CoNLL 2000, 2002, 2009 and 2012 formats;
. io.ditop - support for DiTop topic model visualization format;
. io.penntree - support for combined and chunked formats;
. io.tueppdz - support for TüPP-D/Z format.

Further highlights in this release include:

. Upgrade to Apache UIMA 2.6.0;
. Upgrade LanguageTools to version 2.7;
. Upgrade MaltParser to version 1.8;
. Upgrade Stanford CoreNLP to version 3.4.1;
. Support additional MaltParser models: Bengali, Farsi, Polish;
. Support additional MSTParser models: Croatian;
. Support additional OpenNLP models: Spanish;
. Support additional Stanford CoreNLP models: Spanish, English caseless, 
shift-reduce parser models.

A more detailed overview of the changes in this release can be found here:


When upgrading, please mind that you should not mix different versions of DKPro 
Core components in your projects - they may not be compatible with each other.

-- Pedro Santos, for the DKPro Core development team

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