
I am trying to use the uniqueId() function, and find some examples.
Basically I want to use the CAS unique ID as the unique id Feature for an
annotation. Fro example, a police report Annotation would have a Feature
reportid, which would leverage the uniqueId() .  The ultimate purpose is to
send the CAS to a database table, and use the reportid as the row's unique

I can't find any information on it, except here:


Contains CAS Type and Feature objects to represent a feature path of the
form feature1/.../featureN. Each part that is enclosed within / is referred
to as "path snippet" below. Also contains the necessary evaluation logic to
yield the value of the feature path. For leaf snippets, the following
"special features" are defined:
      coveredText() can be accessed using evaluateAsString
      typeName() can be accessed using evaluateAsString
      fsId() can be accessed using evaluateAsInt. Its result can be used to
      retrieve an FS from the current LowLevel-CAS.
      uniqueId() can be accessed using evaluateAsInt. Its result can be
      used to uniquely identify an FS for a document (even if the document
      is split over several CAS chunks)

This is deprecated, and replaced with


However, FeaturePath does not have the uniqueID() method

The feature path syntax also allows some built-in functions on the last
feature path element. Built-in functions are added with a ":" followed by
the function name. E.g. "/my/path:fsId()". The allowed built-in functions
Built-in functions are only evaluated if getValueAsString() is called.

At least, I don't get it. Can I get an example?  Thanks

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