Hello Usergrid Team,

Our application works with Usergrid 1.0.2, 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 (Master branch
from 2nd September commit SHA: 9fae8037a4b881e9c13a5a1f23f71dc34e950c40).

Now, we tried testing our application with the latest 2.2.0 (Master branch
from 1 October SHA: 77d2026907b03625ad7e1ef742c8656712497c8d).
But during deployment/startup of Tomcat, we are getting the following error
(with fresh Cassandra + ES environments).

BadRequestException: InvalidRequestException(why:unconfigured table
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to connect to cassandra to
retrieve status

We checked and found that the connection to cassandra is fine. This error
does 'not' come in previous versions of Usergrid (1.0.2, 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 -
Master branch from 2nd September)
I wanted to check if i am missing something? Please advise.


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