If you don't provide a prefix, XmlBeans will automatically pick a prefix, and it tries to pick one that is part of the URI.


On 07/28/2014 01:27 PM, Michael Bishop wrote:
Hello all. I've recently changed the namespace of my schema. Now I'm getting the wrong prefix name and I'm not sure why.

Old namespace was:


New namespace is:


With the old namespace, the prefix for elements was xxx. Now with the new namespace, the prefix fpr elements is *yyy*. It seems switching from URL form to URI form has caused the processor to start using the first part of the URI as the prefix? This happens when I call the static Factory.newInstance() on generated classes. Older documents with the correct prefix still parse properly.

It's not a big deal since the namespace is intact and things work as they should, but I can't figure out why this is happening. I don't declare xmlns:*yyy* anywhere in the schema or xsdconfig files.

Michael Bishop

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