That is very strange, seeing something like this just for a specific
load, no more, no less, and very hard to debug. The problem where you
would not get the correct types when using XmlBeans V2 with jars
compiled with an older version is well understood on the other hand, but
seems completely unrelated to what you are seeing.

If you are interested in debugging this, let me know, and I can give you
some suggestions of things to try off-line. (Then of course, we'll post
any results back to the list)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ruslanas Abdrachimovas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 2:51 PM
Subject: XmlAnyTypeImpl returned instead of expected document


I do use XMLBeans and apache Axis in my project. My web application
works on WebSphere with IBMs Java2 v1.4. Application does send SOAP
requests to backend server and retrieves responses which are processed
by frontend web app.

This system seems to fail under high load (it works ok with 75 users,
but fails completely when I run 100users): XML beans seem to be unable
to parse responses and return XmlAnyTypeImpl objects instead of expected
document object. In this situation my application is unable to cast
XmlAnyTypeImp object to my specific one which ends with fatal error. I
was unable to find any issues with responses from backend - they do
validate against schema that was compiled with XMLBeans for my

I could not reproduce such problem with small test case, that sends
reauests and parses responses, no similar error were encountered under
much higher load (600 parallel threads and more). Lowering amount of
available memory caused my test case to throw OutOfMemory error, bu
still no XmlAnyTypeImpl objects returned instead of expected document.
So it does not seem to be threading or memory insufficiency issue (at
leas in they basic formulations).

Looking through XmlBeans mailing lists I did find one thread, where
similar issue was mentioned: The other guy has compiled schema with one
XMLBeans version but in runtime he did use anohter and was getting from
XMLBeans XmlAnyTypeImp object instead of expected one (recompiling
schema with correct versionsolved this problem for him). However in my
case difference is that my app fails only on high load (or some other
conditions that are related to high load).

Did anybody experiance simlar issues? Does anybody know any solution to

Thanks in advance for any info, smallest clue or suggestion!


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