
I am using xmlbeabs 2.5. I am getting the error below while setting my region 
to Turkey and Turkish.

This is my build file :

<project name="xmlbeans" default="xmlbeans" basedir=".">

<property name="appname" value="zmlbeans" />

<taskdef name="xmlbean" classname="org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.XMLBean"


<target name="xmlbeans">

<!-- xmlbean schema="schemas" destfile="Schemas.jar" / -->

<xmlbean schema="raex/raex.xsd" srcgendir="tests" javasource="1.5" 
download="true" />


xmlbean classgendir="${build.dir}" classpath="${class.path}"

failonerror="true"> <fileset basedir="tests" excludes="**/*.xsd" />

<fileset basedir="serkan" includes="**/*.*" /> </xmlbean




After executing the script, code is generated but compilation fails due to 
invalid package names.

This is the message :

Buildfile: XmlBeansTest\build.xml


[xmlbean] Time to build schema type system: 0.452 seconds

[xmlbean] Time to generate code: 0.078 seconds

[xmlbean] Compiling 37 source files to 

[xmlbean] javac: file not found: 

[xmlbean] Usage: javac <options> <source files>

[xmlbean] use -help for a list of possible options


....XmlBeansTest\build.xml:13: Compile failed; see the compiler error output 
for details.

Total time: 1 second

If change my region t states, everything is fine.

The peoblem is caused by upper to lower conversion of some charactrers reside 
int turksih like 'İ' 'i', 'I' 'ı'.

any help kindly accepted... 

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