[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-18 Thread Jasper Boonstra (via Magnolia Forums)
I reinstalled Magnolia, hoping that did the trick. I have the same issues, 

superuser has the "GET&POST" for swagger, so that can't be it either.

Truly a msytery issue.

Here is the full backlog, hope it helps:

INFO   info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener 18.07.2017 10:59:52 -- 
Property sources loaded: [DefaultMagnoliaConfigurationProperties with sources: 
[SystemPropertySource][ServletContextPropertySource from 
WEB-INF/config/default/magnolia.properties][ModulePropertiesSource from modules 
[core, freemarker-support, lang-da, lang-el, activation, ce-product-descriptor, 
imaging-support, resource-loader, rest-integration, cache, config, i18n, 
rest-services, ehcache3, rendering, ui-framework, imaging, scheduler, 
templating, ui-mediaeditor, resources, task-management, templating-jsp, 
ui-admincentral, about-app, lang-ar, lang-fi, lang-he, lang-hu, lang-id, 
lang-nl, lang-no, lang-pt, lang-pt_BR, lang-ru, lang-sk, lang-sq, lang-sv, 
lang-tr, lang-zh_TW, log-tools, magnolia-resources-templating, pages, 
resources-app, rest-tools, security-app, ui-contentapp, definitions-app, 
jcr-browser-app, lang-cs, lang-de, lang-es, lang-fr, lang-hr, lang-it, lang-ja, 
lang-pl, lang-zh_CN, lang-ko, webapp]][InitPathsPropertySource]]
INFO   info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.ConfigLoader 18.07.2017 10:59:52 -- 
Initializing content repositories
INFO   info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager 18.07.2017 10:59:52 -- 
Loading JCR
INFO   info.magnolia.repository.DefaultRepositoryManager 18.07.2017 10:59:52 -- 
Loading JCR magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:53 -- Loading 
repository at 
 (config file: 
 - cluster id: ""
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
prefix [mgnl] with URI http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}metaData on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}lastModified on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}activatable on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}renderable on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}created on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}versionable on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}deleted on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}content on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}contentNode on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}folder on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}resource on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}reserve on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}page on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}area on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}component on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}user on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}role on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.2017 10:59:56 -- Registering 
nodetype {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}group on repository magnolia
INFO   info.magnolia.jackrabbit.ProviderImpl 18.07.20

[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Make sure you understand all tabs of a role how it is defined. 
(maybe i should improve the docs concerning this point.)

You may want to screen-shot all the tabs of your rest role and send me links to 
this screen-shots.
E.g. the role "demo-rest-role" as described here => https://goo.gl/GdYafb would 
do the job.

On the ACL tab "read-only" on the workspace "Userroles" is sufficient.
On the tab "Web access" you most probably need "GET & POST" for the resource 

And next time, when it is not yet working, please provide a more detailled 
error message from the log file. :-)

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Jasper Boonstra (via Magnolia Forums)
All other ACLs are empty.

As for my setup: I'm working on windows via Netbeans as IDE.

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Jasper Boonstra (via Magnolia Forums)
My account has the rest role, which under the Access Control Lists->userroles 
has read-only, selected, /rest. So it seems it should have access to view the 
rest tools, right?

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
As Tomáš already mentioned. Make sure you avoid the "double slash" (see your 
URL above).

Plus: Check your security settings! Make sure, that  the user, which you are 
using, is granted access to /.rest/swagger*
Check https://goo.gl/GdYafb and or https://goo.gl/a3nz5d and maybe 

Go to the security app, have a look at the role with the name "rest". Make sure 
that role grants access to  /.rest/swagger*
and make sure the user which you use has assigned that role.

Reading the docs sometimes helps ;-)
(at least i hope it does)

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Jasper Boonstra (via Magnolia Forums)
Yes, I made these changes before I posted my question, but I still get the 
error shown above. Good to check tho

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)

I don't know your setup.
But if you have a locally installed bundle from of our downloads, typically the 
apiBasepath is indeed  http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest .
Check the URL you are using to access the admin UI. If it is 
localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/ ... yep, then the above value is the apiBasepath.

Typically the value must be changed when using the bundle locally serving the 
webapps with their context paths.

And you have to restart the instance after having changed the property.

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Jasper Boonstra (via Magnolia Forums)
My apiBasepath is http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest

This is correct, right?

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Christoph Meier (via Magnolia Forums)
Also make sure that the property [i]/modules/rest-tools/config/apiBasepath[/i] 
is set correct.
Its value must be [i]://://.rest[/i]

Here is a section of a new doc page dealing with REST which explains what to 
take care for if you want use the swagger tools:

kind regards,

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Jasper Boonstra (via Magnolia Forums)
Does "magnoliaAuthor" need to be a username? Or is that literally what has to 
be noted down?

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-17 Thread Jasper Boonstra (via Magnolia Forums)
Thanks for the help tgregovsky, this did not solve the problem yet. I get the 
same error message: Can't read swagger JSON from 

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[magnolia-user] Re: REST module: Can't read swagger JSON

2017-07-14 Thread via Magnolia Forums
In message "Can't read swagger JSON from 
http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest//swagger.json"; you may notice two 
slashes "//" before swagger.json... my bet that this is the issue, try to fix 
in config and restart Magnolia before opening Rest tools app again.


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