how to achive exactly once with flink sql when consume from kafka and then write to mysql

2020-12-29 文章 huliancheng
we are going to build our data computing system based on flink sql. for now, with flink 1.11.0, we had achived a milestone: consuming from kafka, then select from dynamic table, and write results to mysql. but, when we test the exactly once(end to end), we found problem. below are our

Re: flink sql ddl CREATE TABLE kafka011 sink 如何开启事务exactly-once?

2020-12-29 文章 huliancheng
we are going to build our data computing system base on flink sql. for now, with flink 1.11.0, we had achived a milestone: consuming from kafka, then select from dynamic table, and write results to mysql. but, when we test the exactly once(end to end), we found problem. official documentation