Re: Flink SQL Hive 使用 partition.include 结果跟文档不一致

2021-02-04 文章 Leonard Xu
Hi > 在 2021年2月5日,09:47,macia kk 写道: > > the `latest` only works` when the > streaming hive source table used as temporal table. 只能用在temporal(时态)表中,时态表只能在 temporal join(也就是我们常说的维表join) 中使用 祝好

Flink SQL Hive 使用 partition.include 结果跟文档不一致

2021-02-04 文章 macia kk
Flink 1.12.1 streaming-source.partition.includeOption to set the partitions to read, the supported option are `all` and `latest`, the `all` means read all partitions; the `latest` means read latest partition in order of 'streaming-source.partition.order', the `latest` only works` when the