Hi I'm having a problem after upgrading Cassandra 3.0.14 to 3.11.1.

When running a repair the node I'm issuing the repair starts to use use all
available memory and then the GC grinds it to death. I'm seeing with
nodetool compactionstats that there is a lot of (> 100) active concurrent
compaction jobs typed 'Validation'.

I'm running the repair with `nodetool repair -pr -seq keyspace table`

Cassandra has 18G max heap memory, but that doesn't seem to be even close
to enough.

With visualvm I can see that big portion of the live heap is used on the
validation's objects:
MerkleTree$Inner: 5G
MerkleTree$Leaf: 3.2G
Murmur3Partitioner$LongToken: 2.5G

Any ideas?

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