Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-15 Thread Peter Schuller
Sorry about the delay,

 I do believe there is a fundamental issue with compactions allocating too 
 much memory and incurring too many garbage collections (at least with 0.6.12).

[snip a lot of good info]

You certainly seem to have a real issue, though I don't get the feel
it's the same as the OP.

I don't think I can offer a silver bullet. I was going to suggest that
you're seeing rows that are large enough that you're taking young-gen
GC:s prior to the complection of individual rows so that the per-row
working set is promoted to old-gen, yet small enough (row) to be below
in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb. But this seems inconsistent with the
fact that you report problems even with huge new-gen (10 gig).

With the large new-gen, you were actually seeing fallbacks to full GC?
You weren't just still experiencing problems because at 10 gig, the
new-gen will be so slow to compact to effectively be similar to a full
gc in terms of affecting latency?

If there is any suspicion that the above is happening, maybe try
decreasing in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb (preparing to see lots of
stuff logged to console, assuming that's still happening in the 0.6.
version you're running).

Also, you did mention taking into account tenuring into old-gen, so
maybe your observations there are inconsistent with the above
hypothesis too. But just one correction/note regarding this: You said

   However, when the young generation is being collected (which
happens VERY often during compactions b/c allocation rate is so high),
objects are allocated directly into the tenured generation.

Im not sure on what you're basing that, but unless I have fatally
failed to grok something fundamental about the interaction between
new-gen and old-gen with CMS, object's aren't being allocated *period*
while the young generation is being collected as that is a
stop-the-world pause. (This is also why I said before that at 10 gig
new-gen size, the observed behavior on young gen collections may be
similar to fallback-to-full-gc cases, but not quite since it would be
parallel rather than serial)

Anyways, I sympathize with your issues and the fact that you don't
have time to start attaching with profilers etc. Unfortunately I don't
know what to suggest that is simpler than that.

/ Peter Schuller

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-10 Thread Peter Schuller
I think it would be very useful to get to the bottom of this but
without further details (like the asked for GC logs) I'm not sure what
to do/suggest.

It's clear that a single CF with a 64 MB memtable flush threshold and
without key cache and row cache and some bulk insertion, should not be
causing the problems you are seeing, in general. Especially not with a
 5 gb heap size. I think it is highly likely that there is some
little detail/mistake going on here rather than a fundamental issue.
But regardless, it would be nice to discover what.

/ Peter Schuller

RE: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-10 Thread Gregory Szorc
I do believe there is a fundamental issue with compactions allocating too much 
memory and incurring too many garbage collections (at least with 0.6.12).

On nearly every Cassandra node I operate, garbage collections simply get out of 
control during compactions of any reasonably sized CF (1GB). I can reproduce 
it on CF's with many wider rows (1000's of columns) consisting of smaller 
columns (10's-100's of bytes) and CF's with thinner rows (20 columns) with 
larger columns (10's MBs) and everything in between.

From the GC logs, I can infer that Cassandra is allocating upwards of 4GB/s. I 
once gave the JVM 30GB of heap and saw it run through the entire heap in a few 
seconds while doing a compaction! It would continuously blow through the heap, 
incur a stop-the-world collection, and repeat. Meanwhile, the listed compacted 
bytes from the JMX interface was never increasing and the tmp sstable wasn't 
growing in size.

My current/relevant JVM args are as follows (running on Sun w/ JNA 

-Xms9G -Xmx9G -Xmn256M -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps 
-XX:+PrintClassHistogram -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution 
-Xloggc:/var/log/cassandra/gc.log -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=3 
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=40 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1 

I've tweaked with nearly every setting imaginable 
( is a great resource, BTW) and can't 
control the problem. No matter what I do, nothing can solve the problem of 
Cassandra allocating objects faster than the GC can clean them. And, when we're 
talking about 1GB/s of allocations, I don't think you can blame GC for not 
keeping up.

Since there is no way to prevent these frequent stop-the-world collections, we 
get frequent client timeouts and an occasional unavailable response if we're 
unfortunate to have a couple of nodes compacting large CFs at the same time 
(which happens more than I'd like).

For the past two weeks, we had N=replication factor adjacent nodes in our 
cluster that failed to perform their daily major compaction on a particular 
column family. All N would spew GCInspector logs and the GC logs revealed heavy 
memory allocation rate. The only resolution was to restart Cassandra to abort 
the compaction. I isolated one node from network connectivity and restarted it 
in a cluster of 1 with no caching, memtables, or any operations. Under these 
ideal compacting conditions, I still ran into issues. I experimented with 
extremely large young generations (up to 10GB), very low 
CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction, etc, but Cassandra would always allocate faster 
than JVM could collect, eventually leading to stop-the-world.

Recently, we rolled out a change to the application accessing the cluster which 
effectively resaved every column in every row. When this was mostly done, our 
daily major compaction for the trouble CF that refused to compact for two 
weeks, suddenly completed! Most interesting. (Although, it still went through 
memory to no end.)

One of my observations is that memory allocations during compaction seems to be 
mostly short-lived objects. The young generation is almost never promoting 
objects to the tenured generation (we changed our MaxTenuringThreshold to 3, 
from Cassandra's default of 1 to discourage early promotion- a default of 1 
seems rather silly to me). However, when the young generation is being 
collected (which happens VERY often during compactions b/c allocation rate is 
so high), objects are allocated directly into the tenured generation. Even with 
relatively short ParNew collections (often 0.05s, almost always 0.1s wall 
time), these tenured allocations quickly accumulate, initiating CMS and 
eventually stop-the-world.

Anyway, not sure how much additional writing is going to help resolve this 
issue. I have gobs of GC logs and supplementary metrics data to back up my 
claims if those will help. But, I have a feeling that if you just create a CF 
of a few GB and incur a compaction with the JVM under a profiler, it will be 
pretty easy to identify the culprit. I've started down this path and will let 
you know if I find anything. But, I'm no Java expert and am quite busy with 
other tasks, so don't expect anything useful from me anytime soon.

I hope this information helps. If you need anything else, just ask, and I'll 
see what I can do.

Gregory Szorc

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf Of Peter
 Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:36 AM
 To: ruslan usifov
 Subject: Re: Nodes frozen in GC
 I think it would be very useful to get to the bottom of this but without
 further details (like the asked for GC logs) I'm not sure what to do/suggest.
 It's clear that a single CF

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/8 Chris Goffinet

 How large are your SSTables on disk? My thought was because you have so
 many on disk, we have to store the bloom filter + every 128 keys from index
 in memory.

 But as I understand store in memory happens only when read happens, i do
only inserts. And i think that memory doesn't problem, because heap
allocations looks like saw (in max Heap allocations get about 5,5 GB then
they reduce to 2GB)

Also when i increase Heap Size to 7GB, situation stay mach better, but nodes
frozen still happens, and in gc.log I steel see:

Total time for which application threads were stopped: 20.0686307 seconds

lines (right not so often, like before)

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread David Boxenhorn
If RF=2 and CL= QUORUM, you're getting no benefit from replication. When a
node is in GC it stops everything. Set RF=3, so when one node is busy the
cluster will still work.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:46 AM, ruslan usifov ruslan.usi...@gmail.comwrote:

 2011/3/8 Chris Goffinet

 How large are your SSTables on disk? My thought was because you have so
 many on disk, we have to store the bloom filter + every 128 keys from index
 in memory.

  But as I understand store in memory happens only when read happens, i do
 only inserts. And i think that memory doesn't problem, because heap
 allocations looks like saw (in max Heap allocations get about 5,5 GB then
 they reduce to 2GB)

 Also when i increase Heap Size to 7GB, situation stay mach better, but
 nodes frozen still happens, and in gc.log I steel see:

 Total time for which application threads were stopped: 20.0686307 seconds

 lines (right not so often, like before)

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Schuller
 (1) I cannot stress this one enough: Run with -XX:+PrintGC
 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps and collect the output.

Actually, I wonder if it's worth someone getting this enabled by
default, with the obvious problems associated with getting the log
output placed appropriately and rotated. But it really seems to me
like almost every single case of people having problems on the ML:s
would be helped by having instant access to the GC log to rule things
out very quickly and expediently.

I'm not aware of a good simple way to do so though, since the JVM
emits it on stdout (not even stderr) by default, or else to a fixed
file and supports no rotation. Making the file a fifo is possible, but
then one has to have someone reading that file and then that thing
must be monitored, and you introduce the possibility of the log reader
causing JVM hiccups, etc does anyone have a good practice for
running production code with GC logging in a way that doesn't interfer
with the normal user who's not actively using it/caring about it?

A related potential mode of backfire is that it might cause blocking
writes to stdout on systems bottlenecking on disk I/O. Maybe it's just
not realistic.

/ Peter Schuller

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Schuller

* What is the frequency of the pauses? Are we talking every few
seconds, minutes, hours, days
* If you say decrease the load down to 25%. Are you seeing the same
effect but at 1/4th the frequency, or does it remain unchanged, or
does the problem go away completely?

/ Peter Schuller

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/8 Peter Schuller

 (1) I cannot stress this one enough: Run with -XX:+PrintGC
 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps and collect the output.
 (2) Attach to your process with jconsole or some similar tool.
 (3) Observe the behavior of the heap over time. Preferably post
 screenshots so others can look at them.

 I'm not sure that up to the end you has understood, sorry

I launch cassandra with follow gc login options (but doesn't mention about
this before, because of this document,
there is no any mention about gc.log ):

JVM_OPTS=$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime
JVM_OPTS=$JVM_OPTS -Xloggc:/var/log/cassandra/gc.log

And detect that nodes frozen with follow log entires

Total time for which application threads were stopped: 30.957 seconds

And so on. Also when i think that nodes are frozen i got
UnavailableException and TimeOutException, about 20-30 times (i make few
Attempts (300 with 1 sec sleep) before final fail), follow fragment of code
illustrate what i do

for(; $l_i  300; ++$l_i)
$retval = true;

catch(cassandra_UnavailableException $e)
array_push($l_exceptions, get_class($e));
catch(cassandra_TimedOutException $e)
array_push($l_exceptions, get_class($e));
catch(Exception $e)
$loger-err(get_class($e).': '.$e-getMessage());


Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Schuller
 JVM_OPTS=$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime
 JVM_OPTS=$JVM_OPTS -Xloggc:/var/log/cassandra/gc.log



And you will see significantly more detail in the GC log.

/ Peter Schuller

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Schuller

Btw, what are the mutations? Are you doing something like inserting
both very small values and very large ones?

In any case: My main reason to butt back into this thread is that
under normal circumstances you shouldn't be seeing very frequent
long-term pauses due to GC. If your workload is not doing something
particularly unusual, even if you do end up triggering a GC fallback
to full stop-the-world GC, it should happen comparatively infrequently
and you should be seeing many CMS cycles in between each such long

That's why I asked about the frequency. If you're doing a long-term
stress test and seeing a 30 second pause once per week, that's a lot
more likely to be normal for your workload than if you're seeing it
happen once ever three minutes. The issue is that if you want to fix
your problem, one must first figure out what the problem *is*. Based
on past mailing list traffic, it seems most people's problems that are
seemingly due to GC end up being because of a too high live set size
or the CMS phase triggering too late. These are fixable issues if are
running into them.

If all you have is a single column family with a 64 mb flush threshold
and doing a bunch of insertions, and have a heap size of 5 (was it?)
gig, you should not be having these issues. But stating that helps no
one, which is why I'm asking for more information. (Widely
extrapolating and suggesting that all Cassandra nodes will always
freeze for 30 seconds every now and then is also helping no one, other
than not being true.)

/ Peter Schuller

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread Peter Schuller
 Also, why is there so much garbage collection to begin with?  Memcache
 uses a slab allocator to reuse blocks to prevent allocation/deallocation
 of blocks from consuming all the cpu time.  Are there any plans to reuse
 blocks so the garbage collector doesn't have to work so hard?

And to address this btw, although it has nothing to do with the
problem being investigated in this thread: It's not about how *much*
time is spent on memory management. That is of course relevant, but
the issue here is to avoid long stop-the-world pauses. Even if you're
avoiding doing allocation, as long as you're not doing *zero*
allocation you need to collect what you *do* allocate in such a way as
to avoid long stop-the-world pauses.

How this is accomplished in terms of garbage collection
implementations is beyond the scope of this E-Mail, but a major point
is: Yes, there are workloads under which a given garbage collector,
like CMS, will fail to avoid stop-the-world full GC:s in perpetuity.
However, the most common problems are dead simple ones like oops, row
cache too big where the *SYMPTOM* is one of prolonged GC pauses, but
the actual root cause is not that of a broken or inadequate GC. It is
sub-optimal that this is so (it would clearly be more use-friendly if
one were just told that there is too much live data), but for various
reasons it is non-trivial, from a JVM perspective, to provide that
information to the operator in a way that is useful and won't trigger
incorrectly (false positively).

Also, all memory management techniques have trade-offs. If you believe
memcached is invulnerable, try this: Populate a memcached with a bunch
of data of varying size but with a given average size. Wait until it's
entirely full. Then, adjust your data so that the distribution looks
the same but is displaced singificantly (eg., maybe move from 150 byte
average blob size to 1000 byte average). Unless you were lucky in
exactly how memcached ended up sizing it's slabs and what your data
sizes happen to be, you can then watch how memcached crashes and burns
your application (which relied on the cache having a good hit ratio)
as you suddenly start seeing data evicted withing seconds after
insertion. This can happen because memcached makes trade-offs in how
it does memory management in order to achieve its performance. One of
those trade-offs involves not being able to re-allocate memory to
slabs for different object sizes, when the object size distribution

/ Peter Schuller

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread Paul Pak
Hi Ruslan,

Is it possible for you to tell us the details on what you have done
which measurably helped your situation, so we can start a best
practices doc on growing cassandra systems? 

So far, I see that under load, cassandra is rarely ready to take heavy
load in it's default configuration and a number of steps need to be done
with the configuration of cassandra for proper sizing of memtables,
flushing, jvm.  Unfortunately, it's very difficult to gauge what the
proper or appropriate settings are for a given workload.

It would be helpful if you could share, what happened in the default
config, what steps you did that helped the situation, h Tow much each
step helped your situation.  That way we can start a checklist of things
to address as we grow in load.


On 3/8/2011 5:15 AM, ruslan usifov wrote:

 2011/3/8 Paul Pak

 Hi Ruslan,

 It looks like Jonathan and Stu have already been working to reduce
 garbage collection on v.8  The ticket is at

 Jonathan, is there any way to apply the patch to .73 and have
 ruslan test it to see if it fixes his issue with Garbage
 collection?  Given the fact that he's already got a test case, it
 seems like a reasonable thing to do (with the caveat that he is a
 guinea pig for new code which may not be fully tested yet :) .

 Thanks Paul for information, it very informative. But how this work at
 others. I see that situation stay better when i increase heap size to
 7GB, but nodes still frozen truth not so frequent as before, but
 still, also but I don;t probe this i think that setting -Xmn to
 something bigger then 800M may give benefit

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-08 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/8 Paul Pak

  Hi Ruslan,

 Is it possible for you to tell us the details on what you have done which
 measurably helped your situation, so we can start a best practices doc on
 growing cassandra systems?

 So far, I see that under load, cassandra is rarely ready to take heavy
 load in it's default configuration and a number of steps need to be done
 with the configuration of cassandra for proper sizing of memtables,
 flushing, jvm.  Unfortunately, it's very difficult to gauge what the proper
 or appropriate settings are for a given workload.

 It would be helpful if you could share, what happened in the default
 config, what steps you did that helped the situation, h Tow much each step
 helped your situation.  That way we can start a checklist of things to
 address as we grow in load.

It will be great if you provide options that need tuning from best throput,
i know only 3:

in cassandra.yaml


And jvm options:

-Xms with -Xmx - for heap size
-Xmn - for minor young generation GC

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/6 aaron morton

 Your node is under memory pressure, after the GC there is still 5.7GB in
 use. In fact it looks like memory usage went up during the GC process.

 Can you reduce the memtable size, caches or the number of CF's or increase
 the JVM size? Also is this happening under heavy load ?

I have memtable size, and insert data into one CF, with biggest rowsize 1K,
how it is possible that after GC all memory is load? Meybe this is memory
leak in cassandra 0.7.3?

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread Aaron Morton
It's always possible to run out of memory. Can you provide...

- number cf's and their Memtable settings
- any row or key cache settings
- any other buffer or memory settings you may have changed in Cassandra.yaml.
- what load you are putting on the cluster, e.g. Inserting x rows/columns per 
second with avg size y


On 8/03/2011, at 2:39 AM, ruslan usifov wrote:

 2011/3/6 aaron morton
 Your node is under memory pressure, after the GC there is still 5.7GB in use. 
 In fact it looks like memory usage went up during the GC process.
 Can you reduce the memtable size, caches or the number of CF's or increase 
 the JVM size? Also is this happening under heavy load ?
 I have memtable size, and insert data into one CF, with biggest rowsize 1K, 
 how it is possible that after GC all memory is load? Meybe this is memory 
 leak in cassandra 0.7.3?

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread Jonathan Ellis
It sounds like you're complaining that the JVM sometimes does stop-the-world GC.

You can mitigate this but not (for most workloads) eliminate it with
GC option tuning.  That's simply the state of the art for Java garbage
collection right now.

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 2:18 AM, ruslan usifov wrote:

 2011/3/6 aaron morton

 Your node is under memory pressure, after the GC there is still 5.7GB in
 use. In fact it looks like memory usage went up during the GC process.

 Can you reduce the memtable size, caches or the number of CF's or increase
 the JVM size? Also is this happening under heavy load ?

 Yes I do bulk load to cluster

 I reduce memtable to 64MB sutuation became better, but it is all the same
 very rare GC more than 15 Sec happens. Can reduce
 flush_largest_memtables_at helps? O may be some GC options?

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/8 Jonathan Ellis

 It sounds like you're complaining that the JVM sometimes does
 stop-the-world GC.

 You can mitigate this but not (for most workloads) eliminate it with
 GC option tuning.  That's simply the state of the art for Java garbage
 collection right now.

Hm, but what to do in this cases?? In these moments throughput of cluster
degrade, and I misunderstand what workaround I must do to prevent this

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread Paul Pak
So, are you saying this is normal and expected from Cassandra?  So,
under load, we can expect java garbage collection to stop the Cassandra
process on that server from time to time, essentially taking out the
node for short periods of time while it does garbage collection?

Also, why is there so much garbage collection to begin with?  Memcache
uses a slab allocator to reuse blocks to prevent allocation/deallocation
of blocks from consuming all the cpu time.  Are there any plans to reuse
blocks so the garbage collector doesn't have to work so hard?


On 3/7/2011 4:35 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 It sounds like you're complaining that the JVM sometimes does stop-the-world 

 You can mitigate this but not (for most workloads) eliminate it with
 GC option tuning.  That's simply the state of the art for Java garbage
 collection right now.

 On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 2:18 AM, ruslan usifov wrote:

 2011/3/6 aaron morton
 Your node is under memory pressure, after the GC there is still 5.7GB in
 use. In fact it looks like memory usage went up during the GC process.

 Can you reduce the memtable size, caches or the number of CF's or increase
 the JVM size? Also is this happening under heavy load ?

 Yes I do bulk load to cluster

 I reduce memtable to 64MB sutuation became better, but it is all the same
 very rare GC more than 15 Sec happens. Can reduce
 flush_largest_memtables_at helps? O may be some GC options?

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread Paul Pak
Hi Ruslan,

It looks like Jonathan and Stu have already been working to reduce
garbage collection on v.8  The ticket is at

Jonathan, is there any way to apply the patch to .73 and have ruslan
test it to see if it fixes his issue with Garbage collection?  Given the
fact that he's already got a test case, it seems like a reasonable thing
to do (with the caveat that he is a guinea pig for new code which may
not be fully tested yet :) .


On 3/7/2011 4:50 PM, ruslan usifov wrote:

 2011/3/8 Jonathan Ellis

 It sounds like you're complaining that the JVM sometimes does
 stop-the-world GC.

 You can mitigate this but not (for most workloads) eliminate it with
 GC option tuning.  That's simply the state of the art for Java garbage
 collection right now.

 Hm, but what to do in this cases?? In these moments throughput of
 cluster degrade, and I misunderstand what workaround I must do to
 prevent this situations?

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread Chris Goffinet
Can you tell me how many SSTables on disk when you see GC pauses? In your 3
node cluster, what's the RF factor?

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 1:50 PM, ruslan usifov ruslan.usi...@gmail.comwrote:

 2011/3/8 Jonathan Ellis

 It sounds like you're complaining that the JVM sometimes does
 stop-the-world GC.

 You can mitigate this but not (for most workloads) eliminate it with
 GC option tuning.  That's simply the state of the art for Java garbage
 collection right now.

 Hm, but what to do in this cases?? In these moments throughput of cluster
 degrade, and I misunderstand what workaround I must do to prevent this

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/8 Chris Goffinet

 Can you tell me how many SSTables on disk when you see GC pauses? In your 3
 node cluster, what's the RF factor?

About 30-40, and i use RF=2, and insert rows with QUORUM consistency level

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread Chris Goffinet
The rows you are inserting, what is your update ratio to those rows?

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 4:03 PM, ruslan usifov ruslan.usi...@gmail.comwrote:

 2011/3/8 Chris Goffinet

 Can you tell me how many SSTables on disk when you see GC pauses? In your 3
 node cluster, what's the RF factor?

 About 30-40, and i use RF=2, and insert rows with QUORUM consistency level

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/8 Chris Goffinet

 The rows you are inserting, what is your update ratio to those rows?

 I doesn't update them only insert, with speed 16000 per second

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-07 Thread Chris Goffinet
How large are your SSTables on disk? My thought was because you have so many
on disk, we have to store the bloom filter + every 128 keys from index in

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 4:35 PM, ruslan usifov ruslan.usi...@gmail.comwrote:

 2011/3/8 Chris Goffinet

 The rows you are inserting, what is your update ratio to those rows?

 I doesn't update them only insert, with speed 16000 per second

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-06 Thread ruslan usifov
2011/3/6 aaron morton

 Your node is under memory pressure, after the GC there is still 5.7GB in
 use. In fact it looks like memory usage went up during the GC process.

 Can you reduce the memtable size, caches or the number of CF's or increase
 the JVM size? Also is this happening under heavy load ?

 Yes I do bulk load to cluster

I reduce memtable to 64MB sutuation became better, but it is all the same
very rare GC more than 15 Sec happens. Can reduce
flush_largest_memtables_at helps? O may be some GC options?

Re: Nodes frozen in GC

2011-03-06 Thread Peter Schuller
Do you have row cache enabled? Disable it. If it fixes it and you want
it, re-enable but consider row sizes and the cap on the cache size..
/ Peter Schuller