Re: [Release] CouchDB 2.0

2016-09-22 Thread Bill Stephenson
I have to congratulate and give my whole hearted thanks to all who worked on 
this. I am truly indebted to all of you, and so are the users of the software I 

Thank you all, and take some time to “relax” yourselves. You’ve certainly 
earned it!



Re: [Release] CouchDB 2.0

2016-09-20 Thread Jan Lehnardt

> On 20 Sep 2016, at 11:05, Jan Lehnardt  wrote:
> The Apache CouchDB development community is proud to announce the immediate 
> availability of version 2.0.
> See also the official Apache Press Release: 
> CouchDB 2.0 is 99% API compatible 
> ( with the 
> 1.x series and most applications should continue to just work.
> # Cluster
> CouchDB 2.0’s prime new feature is naive

*native, of course. *sweat*

> support for clustering. It is based on the Dynamo paper 
> ( and the 
> work done at Cloudant and IBM in the BigCouch project which is now fully 
> merged into Apache CouchDB project.
> In short, clustering means that you can take a set of computers or virtual 
> machines in the same data center and make them behave like a single, unified 
> CouchDB instance. This has three benefits:
> 1. fault tolerance: data is stored on more than one computer. A CouchDB 2.0 
> cluster obviates the need for custom setup of failover CouchDB instances.
> 2. performance: data is split up and only a part lives on each node in a  
> cluster. That means each node only has a fraction of the work to do (like 
> computing a view index) than a single node instance would have.
> 3. capacity: with setups of multiple computers storing data, and with data 
> being split among nodes, it is now possible to store amounts of data in 
> CouchDB that exceed the capacity of a single computer many many times, 
> setting CouchDB up for genuine Big Data solutions.
> You have full control over all parameters of the cluster to suit every 
> project’s needs.
> Note: CouchDB 2.0 can also be configured as a “single node”-cluster, if none 
> of the above benefits are relevant to you.
> See the CouchDB 2.0 Architecture blog post 
> ( for more 
> information about the clustering technology.
> # Easy Queries
> The second major feature is the declarative query language “Mango”. Mango is 
> easier to use and faster in operation than the existing JavaScript-based 
> Views. Of course, JavaScript Views continue to work.
> See the Mango Query blog post 
> ( for more 
> information about Mango.
> # New Admin Interface
> CouchDB 2.0 comes with a completely rewritten administration interface 
> (nickname “Fauxton”), built in React.js. It sports a modern look, advanced 
> features and a code-base that is easy to contribute to.
> See Fauxton, the new CouchDB Dashboard for more info.
> # Performance
> Both the replicator and compactor have undergone significant performance 
> improvements that will speed up replication between CouchDB instances as well 
> as PouchDB ( and Couchbase Lite instances.
> Compaction can now be run at any time, even continuously, with an 
> i/o-queueing system ensuring that live requests are not slowed down while 
> compaction is running.
> In addition: the compaction process is shorter, uses less CPU and RAM, 
> produces smaller database files and freshly compacted databases are 
> significantly faster to read from.
> See Feature: Replication ( and Feature: 
> Compaction ( for more info.
> # New Logo
> CouchDB 2.0 comes with a brand new Logo, designed by Constantin Angheloui. 
> The website, docs and other materials have been updated. See the CouchDB 2.0 
> branding guide for details: 
> # More Details
> For more details, please refer to our 2.0 blog post series: 
> # Download
> Apache CouchDB 2.0 downloads are available from the official website: 
> # Acknowledgements
> The community would like to thank all contributors for their part in making 
> this release, from the smallest bug report or patch to major contributions in 
> code, design, or marketing, we couldn’t have done it without you!

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