the log message about the leader session should be unrelated to Kafka. What
exactly do you mean by "fails to read"? You don't get elements? Or it fails
with some message?


On Tue, 13 Sep 2016 at 17:10 Simone Robutti <simone.robu...@radicalbit.io>

> Hello,
> while running a job on Flink 1.1.2 on a cluster of 3 nodes using the
> KafkaProducer010, I encounter this error:
> WARN  org.apache.flink.runtime.client.JobClientActor                -
> Discard message LeaderSessionMessage(null,ConnectionTimeout) because the
> expected leader session ID 4a1c16fe-d015-4351-81ea-814796e2167f did not
> equal the received leader session ID null.
> The KafkaProducer010 works locally but on the cluster fails to read from
> the topic. I can correctly read and write using console producer and
> consumer so I don't think it's misconfigured.
> I would like to know what could be the cause of the error, if it is
> related to the issue I'm facing on the flink-kafka connector and maybe if
> it's due to the upgrade to the version 0.10. I know the producer is still
> in a PR but it showed to work properly in a local environment.
> Thank you,
> Simone

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