
We don't have a conf file per say since we are building it on the fly
(Since we are using embedded mode).
Here is the final Configuration which is passed to the driver.

  "GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR": "/tmp/${USER}/gobblin/work_dir",
  "cleanup.staging.data.per.task": false,
  "converter.classes": "org.apache.gobblin.converter.IdentityConverter",
  "data.publisher.appendExtractToFinalDir": false,
  "data.publisher.final.dir": "${to}",
  "data.publisher.metadata.output.dir": "hdfs://nodenameha/tmp/",
  "distcp.persist.dir": "/tmp/distcp-persist-dir",
  "extract.namespace": "org.apache.gobblin.copy",
  "from": "hdfs://nodenameha/tmp/distcptest",
  "fs.uri": "hdfs://nodenameha",
  "gobblin.copy.recursive.delete": "true",
  "gobblin.copy.recursive.deleteEmptyDirectories": "true",
  "gobblin.copy.recursive.update": "true",
  "gobblin.dataset.pattern": "${from}",
  "gobblin.template.required_attributes": "from,to",
  "gobblin.trash.skip.trash": true,
  "gobblin.workDir": "${GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR}",
  "job.commit.parallelize": true,
  "job.description": "Some descriprion hh ",
  "job.history.store.enabled": "true",
  "job.history.store.jdbc.driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
  "job.history.store.password": "appuser",
  "job.history.store.user": "appuser",
  "job.lock.enabled": false,
  "job.name": "distcp20",
  "metrics.log.dir": "${GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR}/metrics",
  "mr.jars.dir": "/tmp/${USER}/gobblin/_jars",
  "mr.job.root.dir": "/tmp/_distcp20_1518422272543",
  "qualitychecker.row.err.file": "${GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR}/err",
  "source.class": "org.apache.gobblin.data.management.copy.CopySource",
  "source.filebased.fs.uri": "hdfs://nodenameha",
  "state.store.dir": "${GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR}/state-store",
  "state.store.enabled": false,
  "state.store.fs.uri": "${fs.uri}",
  "task.maxretries": 0,
  "task.status.reportintervalinms": 5000,
  "taskexecutor.threadpool.size": 2,
  "taskretry.threadpool.coresize": 1,
  "taskretry.threadpool.maxsize": 2,
  "to": "hdfs://nodenameha/tmp/rk_bak",
  "workunit.retry.enabled": false,
  "writer.destination.type": "HDFS",
  "writer.fs.uri": "hdfs://nodenameha",
  "writer.output.dir": "${GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR}/task-output",
  "writer.output.format": "AVRO",
  "writer.staging.dir": "${GOBBLIN_WORK_DIR}/task-staging"

best regards

On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 1:09 AM, Sudarshan Vasudevan <
suvasude...@linkedin.com> wrote:

> Hi Rohit,
> Can you share the job config file for your distcp job?
> Thanks,
> Sudarshan
> *From: *Rohit Kalhans <rohit.kalh...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org" <user@gobblin.incubator.
> apache.org>
> *Date: *Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 4:13 AM
> *To: *"user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org" <user@gobblin.incubator.
> apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: PriviledgedActionException while submitting a gobblin job
> to mapreduce.
> Hello Sudarshan, et. al,
> Thanks for the help. Based on your response we were able to figure out the
> problem and were able to move past it after adding lib to the classpath.
> Now the yarn job succeeds as per the counter/log as follows.
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:57,267] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.TaskStateCollectorService:
> Starting the TaskStateCollectorService
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:57,268] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.mapreduce.MRJobLauncher:
> Launching Hadoop MR job Gobblin-distcp20
> WARN  [2018-02-11 11:50:57,607] 
> org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobResourceUploader:
> Hadoop command-line option parsing not performed. Implement the Tool
> interface and execute your application with ToolRunner to remedy this.
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:57,734] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.mapreduce.GobblinWorkUnitsInputFormat:
> Found 1 input files at hdfs://namenodeha/tmp/_distcp20_1518349854235/
> distcp20/job_distcp20_1518349854763/input: [FileStatus{path=hdfs://
> namenodeha/tmp/_distcp20_1518349854235/distcp20/job_
> distcp20_1518349854763/input/task_distcp20_1518349854763_0.wu;
> isDirectory=false; length=9201; replication=3; blocksize=134217728;
> modification_time=1518349857234; access_time=1518349857214;
> owner=applicationetl; group=supergroup; permission=rw-r--r--;
> isSymlink=false}]
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:57,799] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter:
> number of splits:1
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:57,891] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter:
> Submitting tokens for job: job_1518179003398_40028
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:58,130] 
> org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl:
> Submitted application application_1518179003398_40028
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:58,158] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job: The url
> to track the job: http://jobtracker.application.example.com:8088/proxy/
> application_1518179003398_40028/
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:58,158] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.mapreduce.MRJobLauncher:
> Waiting for Hadoop MR job job_1518179003398_40028 to complete
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:50:58,158] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job: Running
> job: job_1518179003398_40028
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:04,362] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job: Job
> job_1518179003398_40028 running in uber mode : false
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:04,363] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job:  map 0%
> reduce 0%
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:11,421] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job:  map
> 100% reduce 0%
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,433] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job: Job
> job_1518179003398_40028 completed successfully
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,563] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job:
> Counters: 30
> File System Counters
> FILE: Number of bytes read=0
> FILE: Number of bytes written=152940
> FILE: Number of read operations=0
> FILE: Number of large read operations=0
> FILE: Number of write operations=0
> HDFS: Number of bytes read=504209
> HDFS: Number of bytes written=498190
> HDFS: Number of read operations=15
> HDFS: Number of large read operations=0
> HDFS: Number of write operations=9
> Job Counters
> Launched map tasks=1
> Other local map tasks=1
> Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms)=9704
> Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=0
> Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=4852
> Total vcore-seconds taken by all map tasks=4852
> Total megabyte-seconds taken by all map tasks=19873792
> Map-Reduce Framework
> Map input records=1
> Map output records=0
> Input split bytes=206
> Spilled Records=0
> Failed Shuffles=0
> Merged Map outputs=0
> GC time elapsed (ms)=61
> CPU time spent (ms)=6290
> Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=515375104
> Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=5540597760 <05540%20597%20760>
> Total committed heap usage (bytes)=1500512256 <01500%20512%20256>
> File Input Format Counters
> Bytes Read=0
> File Output Format Counters
> Bytes Written=0
> However, it seems that the publisher does not produce any output. I am not
> able to see any data in the sink folder although the job has successfully
> completed.
> WARN  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,703] 
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher:
> Branch 0 of WorkUnit task_distcp20_1518349854763_0 produced no data
> Also I can see a warning which points to an issue during mering of meta
> info.
> WARN  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,708] 
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher:
> Metadata merger for branch 0 returned null - bug in merger?
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,708] 
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher:
> Metadata output path not set for branch 0, not publishing.
> But this seems to be harmless.
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,659] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.TaskStateCollectorService:
> Collected task state of 1 completed tasks
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,660] org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobContext: 1
> more tasks of job job_distcp20_1518349854763 have completed
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,665] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.mapreduce.MRJobLauncher:
> Deleted working directory /tmp/_distcp20_1518349854235/
> distcp20/job_distcp20_1518349854763
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,670] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher:
> Persisting dataset urns.
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,680] org.apache.gobblin.runtime.SafeDatasetCommit:
> Committing dataset CopyEntity.DatasetAndPartition(dataset=
> CopyableDatasetMetadata(datasetURN=/tmp/distcptest),
> partition=/tmp/distcptest) of job job_distcp20_1518349854763 with commit
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,701] 
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher:
> Retry disabled for publish.
> WARN  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,701] org.apache.gobblin.runtime.SafeDatasetCommit:
> Gobblin is set up to parallelize publishing, however the publisher
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher is not thread-safe.
> Falling back to serial publishing.
> WARN  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,703] 
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher:
> Branch 0 of WorkUnit task_distcp20_1518349854763_0 produced no data
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,703] org.apache.gobblin.util.ParallelRunner:
> Attempting to shutdown ExecutorService: com.google.common.util.
> concurrent.MoreExecutors$ListeningDecorator@a195448
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,703] org.apache.gobblin.util.ParallelRunner:
> Successfully shutdown ExecutorService: com.google.common.util.
> concurrent.MoreExecutors$ListeningDecorator@a195448
> WARN  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,708] 
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher:
> Metadata merger for branch 0 returned null - bug in merger?
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,708] 
> org.apache.gobblin.publisher.BaseDataPublisher:
> Metadata output path not set for branch 0, not publishing.
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,711] org.apache.gobblin.runtime.SafeDatasetCommit:
> Submitted 1 lineage events for dataset CopyEntity.
> DatasetAndPartition(dataset=CopyableDatasetMetadata(datasetURN=/tmp/distcptest),
> partition=/tmp/distcptest)
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,711] org.apache.gobblin.runtime.SafeDatasetCommit:
> Persisting dataset state for dataset CopyEntity.
> DatasetAndPartition(dataset=CopyableDatasetMetadata(datasetURN=/tmp/distcptest),
> partition=/tmp/distcptest)
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,711] 
> org.apache.gobblin.util.executors.IteratorExecutor:
> Attempting to shutdown ExecutorService: com.google.common.util.
> concurrent.MoreExecutors$ListeningDecorator@b4864a4
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,711] 
> org.apache.gobblin.util.executors.IteratorExecutor:
> Successfully shutdown ExecutorService: com.google.common.util.
> concurrent.MoreExecutors$ListeningDecorator@b4864a4
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,738] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher:
> Cleaning up staging directory /gobblin/task-staging/distcp20/job_distcp20_
> 1518349854763
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,743] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher:
> Deleting directory /gobblin/task-staging/distcp20
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,746] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher:
> Cleaning up output directory /gobblin/task-output/distcp20/
> job_distcp20_1518349854763
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,751] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher:
> Deleting directory /gobblin/task-output/distcp20
> INFO  [2018-02-11 11:51:12,757] com.example.applications.test.
> executor.jobs.testGobblinRunner.distcp20/1: jobCompletion:
> JobContext{jobName=distcp20, jobId=job_distcp20_1518349854763, jobState={
> "job name": "distcp20",
> "job id": "job_distcp20_1518349854763",
> "job state": "COMMITTED",
> "start time": 1518349855793,
> "end time": 1518349872716,
> "duration": 16923,
> "tasks": 1,
> "completed tasks": 1,
> "task states": [
> {
> "task id": "task_distcp20_1518349854763_0",
> "task state": "COMMITTED",
> "start time": 1518349869446,
> "end time": 1518349869981,
> "duration": 535,
> "retry count": 0
> }
> ]
> }}
> Thanks for all the help.
> Best regards
> Rohit.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Sudarshan Vasudevan* <suvasude...@linkedin.com>
> Date: Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 3:08 AM
> Subject: Re: PriviledgedActionException while submitting a gobblin job to
> mapreduce.
> To: "user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org" <user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org
> >
> Hi Rohit,
> Your yarn.application.classpath is missing the following:
> $HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*,$HADOOP_
> MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/*
> I think this is a hunch, but the JobClient inside the yarn application is
> not finding the hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.3.0.jar, which has
> the YarnClientProtocolProvider class and is defaulting to
> LocalClientProtocolProvider and hence unable to initiate a connection to
> your YARN cluster. The above jar is typically located under
> $HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*.
> Can you add the above to your yarn-site.xml, restart yarn and give it a go?
> Thanks,
> Sudarshan
> *From: *Rohit Kalhans <rohit.kalh...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org" <user@gobblin.incubator.
> apache.org>
> *Date: *Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 1:02 PM
> *To: *"user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org" <user@gobblin.incubator.
> apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: PriviledgedActionException while submitting a gobblin job
> to mapreduce.
> hello  all,
> First of all, thanks for the quick rtt. really appreciate the help.
> The environment variables have been set correctly(atleast that's what i
> think. ).  i am running this on a feeder box (gateway) of a cdh 5.7 cluster
> managed by cloudera manager.
> the yarn-site.xml contains the following
>   <property>
>     <name>yarn.application.classpath</name>
> </value>
> </property>
> Before the execution of my application I  call the following.
> export HADOOP_PREFIX="/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/"
> export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=HADOOP_PREFIX/etc/hadoop/
> export HADOOP_CLIENT_CONF_DIR="/etc/hadoop/conf"
> source /etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh
> The hadoop-env.sh sets a few variables as well.
> $>_ cat /etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh
> # Prepend/Append plugin parcel classpaths
> if [ "$HADOOP_USER_CLASSPATH_FIRST" = 'true' ]; then
>   :
> else
>   :
> fi
> export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=$( ([[ ! 
> '/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop-mapreduce'
> =~ CDH_MR2_HOME ]] && echo /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop-mapreduce
> ) || echo ${CDH_MR2_HOME:-/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/}  )
> export HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
> export YARN_OPTS="-Xmx825955249 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 12:48 AM, Sudarshan Vasudevan <
> suvasude...@linkedin.com> wrote:
> Hi Rohit,
> Can you share the properties in your yarn-site.xml file?
> The following is an example config that worked for me:
> I set the yarn.application.classpath in yarn-site.xml to the following:
> <property>
> <description>Classpath for typical applications.</description>
> <name>yarn.application.classpath</name>
> <value>
> $HADOOP_COMMON_HOME/share/hadoop/common/*,$HADOOP_
> COMMON_HOME/share/hadoop/common/lib/*,
> $HADOOP_HDFS_HOME/share/hadoop/hdfs/*,$HADOOP_HDFS_
> HOME/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/*,
> $HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/*,$HADOOP_
> MAPRED_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/*,
> $HADOOP_YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/*,$HADOOP_YARN_
> HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/*
> </value>
> </property>
> In my local Hadoop installation, I set the HADOOP_* environment variables
> as follows:
> export HADOOP_PREFIX="/usr/local/hadoop-2.3.0"
> export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_PREFIX/etc/hadoop
> Hope this helps,
> Sudarshan
> *From: *Rohit Kalhans <rohit.kalh...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org" <user@gobblin.incubator.
> apache.org>
> *Date: *Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 10:57 AM
> *To: *"user@gobblin.incubator.apache.org" <user@gobblin.incubator.
> apache.org>
> *Subject: *PriviledgedActionException while submitting a gobblin job to
> mapreduce.
> Hello
> I am integrating gobblin in embedded mode with an existing application.
> While submitting the job it seems like there is a unresolved
> dependency/requirement to mapreduce launcher.
> I have checked that  mapreduce.framework.name is set to yarn and the
> other yarn application are running fine. Somehow I keep hitting the issue
> with the gobblin mr job launcher.
> I was hoping that you guys can help me setting up Gobblin in embedded mode
> for my application.
> Here is the stack. Do let me know if some other info is needed.
> Launching Hadoop MR job Gobblin-test9
> WARN  [2018-02-07 11:43:22,990] 
> org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation:
> PriviledgedActionException as:<userName> (auth:SIMPLE)
> cause:java.io.IOException: Cannot initialize Cluster. Please check your
> configuration for mapreduce.framework.name and the correspond server
> addresses.
> INFO  [2018-02-07 11:43:22,991] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.TaskStateCollectorService:
> Stopping the TaskStateCollectorService
> INFO  [2018-02-07 11:43:23,033] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.mapreduce.MRJobLauncher:
> Deleted working directory /tmp/_test9_1518003781707/
> test9/job_test9_1518003782322
> ERROR [2018-02-07 11:43:23,033] 
> org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher:
> Failed to launch and run job job_test9_1518003782322: java.io.IOException:
> Cannot initialize Cluster. Please check your conf
> iguration for mapreduce.framework.name and the correspond server
> addresses.
> ! java.io.IOException: Cannot initialize Cluster. Please check your
> configuration for mapreduce.framework.name and the correspond server
> addresses.
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster.initialize(Cluster.java:120)
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster.<init>(Cluster.java:82)
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster.<init>(Cluster.java:75)
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job$9.run(Job.java:1277)
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job$9.run(Job.java:1273)
> ! at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
> ! at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:422)
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation.doAs(
> UserGroupInformation.java:1693)
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job.connect(Job.java:1272)
> ! at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job.submit(Job.java:1301)
> ! at org.apache.gobblin.runtime.mapreduce.MRJobLauncher.
> runWorkUnits(MRJobLauncher.java:244)
> ! at org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher.runWorkUnitStream(
> AbstractJobLauncher.java:596)
> ! at org.apache.gobblin.runtime.AbstractJobLauncher.launchJob(
> AbstractJobLauncher.java:443)
> ! at org.apache.gobblin.runtime.job_exec.JobLauncherExecutionDriver$
> DriverRunnable.call(JobLauncherExecutionDriver.java:159)
> ! at org.apache.gobblin.runtime.job_exec.JobLauncherExecutionDriver$
> DriverRunnable.call(JobLauncherExecutionDriver.java:147)
> ! at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
> ! at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> --
> Cheerio!
> *Rohit*
> --
> Cheerio!
> *Rohit*
> --
> Cheerio!
> *Rohit*



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