On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 5:59 AM, Chris Duncan <cell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> For quite a while I have been fiddling with the branding of Apache Guacamole
> using the guacamole/guacamole Docker image, namely swapping out the logo,
> favicon and application title text for custom alternatives.
> To accomplish this, I have successfully created an extension .jar file and
> placed it in the $GUACAMOLE_HOME directory. However, I am not satisfied with
> my solution as it requires some manual manipulation of a running container.
> If I use an unaltered version of the start.sh script then I lose my branding
> after a container restart because the $GUACAMOLE_HOME directory is deleted
> and recreated in the script. Also, if I use a docker volume bind mount to
> provide my extension .jar, the container fails to start because when the
> start.sh script tries to delete $GUACAMOLE_HOME, the extensions directory is
> in use by the bind mount.
> Currently, I have altered the start.sh script by removing the 'rm -Rf
> $GUACAMOLE_HOME' line and replacing all 'ln -s' commands with 'ln -sf' so
> that necessary files and directories persist after container restarts. Then
> I use the 'docker container cp' command to copy my .jar to
> /root/.guacamole/extensions in the running container. Then I restart the
> container and my changes are displayed and persist after subsequent
> restarts.

If you have a custom extension which you want to be taken into account
by the Docker image, the prescribed mechanism is:

1) Place that extension within some sensible directory on the server
which will run the Docker container
2) When creating your container, specify that directory as a volume
mount, and point to the mounted location within the image using the
GUACAMOLE_HOME environment variable

The start.sh script will then automatically copy things in place
during startup, and your configuration will persist across restarts.


- Mike

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