Ignore my las mail. Now it all works.
No idea why though. Maybe the clock of the VM was off or something,

> On 15 Apr 2018, at 11.37, Kalle Jääskeläinen <kalle.jaaskelai...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I compiled the latest and greatest server and client yesterday from master to 
> try out google auth topt extension.
> I got everything working great (first time I built it from source) to a point 
> where I login using password, get a QR code for new account  get “Apache 
> Guacamole (topttest (or guacadmin)) entry to the Google Authenticator 
> (android) application with changing code, but when I enter it, it just keeps 
> on saying "Verification failed. Please try again.”
> Both topttest (normal account with only change password permission) and 
> guacadmin has the same behavior.
> If I take topt extension out, the users (topttest, guacadmin) can access ok 
> using just the password.
> I’m using mySQL, schema etc built using the scripts I got from master.
> After failed login attempts (tried both topttest and guacadmin) mySQL shows 
> mysql> SELECT * FROM guacamole_user_attribute;
> +---------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+
> | user_id | attribute_name          | attribute_value                  |
> +---------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+
> |       1 | guac-totp-key-confirmed | false                            |
> |       1 | guac-totp-key-secret    | XXVBQ3HTHLJMXRNPMD57ZIZG2ZIN2U43 |
> |       5 | guac-totp-key-confirmed | false                            |
> |       5 | guac-totp-key-secret    | YAKJNQMMZKY2MVIVCGSV6TMXLOUD2VIR |
> +---------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+
> 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> SELECT * FROM guacamole_user;
> +---------+-----------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+----------+---------+---------------------+-------------------+------------+-------------+----------+-----------+---------------+--------------+---------------------+
> | user_id | username  | password_hash                    | password_salt      
>               | password_date       | disabled | expired | 
> access_window_start | access_window_end | valid_from | valid_until | timezone 
> | full_name | email_address | organization | organizational_role |
> +---------+-----------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+----------+---------+---------------------+-------------------+------------+-------------+----------+-----------+---------------+--------------+---------------------+
> |       1 | guacadmin | ?E?}IN;?$???u?Ul??,-}?c;?J)?A` | 
> ?$???+%(???zy?B??`d?iųw??"d | 2018-04-15 07:21:55 |        0 |       0 | NULL 
>                | NULL              | NULL       | NULL        | NULL     | 
> NULL      | NULL          | NULL         | NULL                |
> ??W~v??YD?߼?'?GG;F??n-? | 2018-04-15 10:36:21 |        0 |       0 | NULL     
>            | NULL              | NULL       | NULL        | NULL     | NULL   
>    | NULL          | NULL         | NULL                |
> |       5 | topttest  | ??e
> ??wG?x?v? ?F??mT=A??w?" | ?BۘF;?f??xk???i???P?m\f? | 2018-04-15 10:54:14 |    
>     0 |       0 | NULL                | NULL              | NULL       | NULL 
>        | NULL     | NULL      | NULL          | NULL         | NULL           
>      |
> +---------+-----------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+----------+---------+---------------------+-------------------+------------+-------------+----------+-----------+---------------+--------------+---------------------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> SELECT * FROM guacamole_user_permission;
> +---------+------------------+------------+
> | user_id | affected_user_id | permission |
> +---------+------------------+------------+
> |       1 |                1 | READ       |
> |       1 |                1 | UPDATE     |
> |       1 |                1 | ADMINISTER |
> |       1 |                4 | READ       |
> |       1 |                4 | UPDATE     |
> |       1 |                4 | DELETE     |
> |       1 |                4 | ADMINISTER |
> |       4 |                4 | READ       |
> |       4 |                4 | UPDATE     |
> |       1 |                5 | READ       |
> |       1 |                5 | UPDATE     |
> |       1 |                5 | DELETE     |
> |       1 |                5 | ADMINISTER |
> |       5 |                5 | READ       |
> |       5 |                5 | UPDATE     |
> +---------+------------------+------------+
> 15 rows in set (0.01 sec)
> Tomcat logs show only:
> Sun Apr 15 11:02:17 EEST 2018 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without 
> server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 
> 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established 
> by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing 
> applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 
> 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, 
> or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.
> ==> localhost_access_log.2018-04-15.txt <==
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:17 +0300] "GET /guacamole/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 304 -
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:17 +0300] "GET 
> /guacamole/app.css?v=0.9.14 HTTP/1.1" 200 49878
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:17 +0300] "GET 
> /guacamole/app.js?v=0.9.14 HTTP/1.1" 200 304771
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:17 +0300] "GET 
> /guacamole/images/logo-144.png HTTP/1.1" 200 9167
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:17 +0300] "GET /guacamole/api/languages 
> HTTP/1.1" 200 151
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:17 +0300] "GET /guacamole/api/patches 
> HTTP/1.1" 200 352
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:17 +0300] "GET 
> /guacamole/translations/en.json HTTP/1.1" 200 37198
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:18 +0300] "POST /guacamole/api/tokens 
> HTTP/1.1" 403 237
> ==> catalina.out <==
> 11:02:30.987 [http-bio-8080-exec-4] INFO  o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService 
> - User "topttest" successfully authenticated from
> ==> localhost_access_log.2018-04-15.txt <==
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:02:31 +0300] "POST /guacamole/api/tokens 
> HTTP/1.1" 403 1433
> ==> catalina.out <==
> 11:03:00.822 [http-bio-8080-exec-9] INFO  o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService 
> - User "topttest" successfully authenticated from
> ==> localhost_access_log.2018-04-15.txt <==
> - - [15/Apr/2018:11:03:00 +0300] "POST /guacamole/api/tokens 
> HTTP/1.1" 400 188
> Permissions of the extension are the same as with jdbc, and the other stuff 
> built using the 0.9.14 manual.
> I have not added any topt specific things to guacamole.properties.
> What could be the issue, what to check? Have I missed a step somewhere?
> Thanks for your help.
> — kalle

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